
What do the Erlang emulator info statements mean?

When I start up my Erlang emulator, there the first bit has a bunch of informational things. (Slightly reformatted for effect.) manoa:~ stu$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5 [source] [smp:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.6.5 (abort with ^G) 1> Some of it I can guess at, probably accurate, but some...

Records in Erl (Erlang question)

Is there a way to use records directly in erl? No matter what I try, it always says it canno find the record. I am trying to do mnesia transactions and I cannot go too far without my records. Any help is greatly appreciated - thank you! ...

Erlang VM -s argument misbehaving

When I start up a function within the erl shell, it works fine. When I try to invoke the same function with erl ... -s module function, it fails. The line of code that eventually fails is: start(Port) -> mochiweb_http:start([{port, Port}, {loop, fun dispatch_requests/1}]). I'm positive that Port is set correctly. My error message...

Getting two erl shells to talk

I want to be able to have two Erlang shells to talk. I'm running on OS X. I tried the tut17 example here: I've also tried: $ erl -sname foo and then in a new Terminal: $ erl -sname bar (bar@elife)1> net_adm:ping(foo@elife). pang Any ideas? ...