
What is the correct way to die with an error but without a stack trace in perl?

I am writing a perl script, and in the part where I am checking the options that the user supplied on the command line, I want to exit with an error explaining what was wrong with the options. In this case, there is no need for a stack trace to go along with this error message. So what is the best way to die with an error message but no ...

Is NLog work with customErrors?

when i use <customErrors mode="Off"/> and i have an error on the screen it writes to log file but when i use <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/> then i see my custom error page but error not catches but logger :-/ ...

Why is there multiple Err.Number for the same Err.Description?

Hi, Reading various properties of the Outlook.MAPIFolder.Items collection results in an error when the user permissions are insufficient, for example if the folder is visible but no browsable. The error description is: You do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object. See the folder contact or your system ...

Tooltip baloon display position (for error notification)

I asked a question closely related to this awhile ago: In short, i was trying to find a quick and easy way to notify the user of errors without using popups. Now i have implemented this using tooltip baloons. The problem is that even if i give it ...

android videoview - managing bad urls error ?

Hello, Im using some time expiring url to watch a video from internet and so, when the expiration time come out, the video is not working anymore. In this case, im getting an error dialog box from the videoplayer saying the video is unreadable. that is quite fine, but i would like to display my own dialog box text. how can i do ? is the...

How to enable direct access to ErrorController in Zend

I use ErrorHandler in my application to intercept exceptions, but I also want to be able to redirect user to error screen using URL: class SomeController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function someAction() { ... $this->_redirect('/error/device-unknown/id/12345'); } } This however takes me to standar...

Modal popup errors block MDI parent GUI updates

I am making a windows application which communicates with a microcontroller. Sometimes, communication error occurs which need to be flagged to the user. For instance, if the cable gets unplugged or the microcontroller loses power. I've been struggling with this for awhile now, i'm back to my original solution. The original solution ...

Error Redirect for Ajax Froms in mvc2

I'm building an mvc2 website and using a lot of ajax form elementes (Ajax.BeginForm to be exact) to asynchronously populate data on the page. I would like to redirect the user to the sign in page after x amount of time of inactivity on the site. When I do this currently, either through ActionExecutingContext, or HttpContext, the ...

Find the place where application crashed

How to find out line of code where application failed in Android? (without debugging just to see crash dump) ...

exception not being caught

I have the following PHP code on a web page: $wsdl_url = "someURL?wsdl"; try { $client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url, array('login' => 'mylogin','password' => 'mypassword')); $client->myWebMethod(); // <-- problem call } catch (Exception $e) { echo "none"; } It's a basic call to a web service. The problem is that when an er...

Where to implement try catch blocks?

I am always struggling where to place a try catch block. For example, I have a database class with a method that accepts two parameters. FindObject(string where, string order). This method executes a sql query with the specified where and order strings. In a class I have a property called IsUsed, this property looks like this: public b...

How can i set my own default error page in ?

Hi if a request from my website is containing some errors(database linking errors) then host server error page is displaying but i want to avoid the error page and i hav to display my own custom designed error page instead. ...

user-friendly error management pattern

Different component in my system each have specific namespaces for their errors. Websites communicates with theses subsystem and receives errors from them that I want to log (raw log of the error). When an error occurs, I also want to show to the user an error message that he can understand (the message will be simpler than the orig...

Try-Catch Block For C++ File-IO Errors Not Working

I'm very new to the world of C++ error handling, but I was told here: ...that the best way to checks for file existence was with a try-catch block. From my limited knowledge on the topic, this sounds like sound advice. I located this snippet of code: http://ww...

Sending Email error reports from windows desktop application

I have a windows desktop application running on clients machines using .NET 4.0. When an error occur, The application catches it and needs to send it to the support team b email. The question is how to send an email with the full stack trace (including stacktrace for inner exception if there is one) using email? I tried using the "Mail...

MySQL create "before insert" trigger failing and raising errors in triggers

I have successfully created an insert before trigger on a table using the innodb engine which "throws" an error by performing an insert on a non-existent table. The problem is that as I try to run the database create script on the production server it fails because the insert table does not exist. However, the same script runs fine on my...

Get xhr object in while ajax calling fails.

Hi Dude, I have a big problem in jQuery.ajax call. I am calling the web service whenever click the update button. I have a separate web service class, in which consist of few methods. When I calling the web service method, I have made the error handling and log the error information in db after that I have to override the “ex” that mean...

When you write your code, do you deal with errors proactively or reactively?

In other words, do you spend time anticipating errors and writing code to get around these potential issues, or do you write the code as you see fit and then work through any errors on an issue by issue basis? I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I'm very much a reactive person. I write my code, give it a whirl, go back correc...

HTMLUnit how to check if proxy is working properly

Do you know what can I do to check if proxy in WebBrowser is working properly? ...

Can JavaScript catch a 404 error triggered by a page’s object?

The specific problem I’m facing is with a buggy Flash application that I don’t control. When it fails, I’d like to display alternate content. The page which contains the Flash content has loaded and it’s clearly the Flash app making the request that results in this message in the debug console: Failed to load resource: the server respo...