
Is "Out Of Memory" A Recoverable Error?

I've been programming a long time, and the programs I see, when they run out of memory, attempt to clean up and exit, i.e. fail gracefully. I can't remember the last time I saw one actually attempt to recover and continue operating normally. So much processing relies on being able to successfully allocate memory, especially in garbage c...

AST with fixed nodes instead of error nodes in antlr

I have an antlr generated Java parser that uses the C target and it works quite well. The problem is I also want it to parse erroneous code and produce a meaningful AST. If I feed it a minimal Java class with one import after which a semicolon is missing it produces two "Tree Error Node" objects where the "import" token and the tokens fo...

nhibernate error recovery

I downloaded Rhino Security today and started going through some of the tests. Several that run perfectly in isolation start getting errors after one that purposely raises an exception runs though. Here is that test: [Test] public void EntitiesGroup_IfDuplicateName_Error() { _authorizationRepository.CreateEntitiesGroup("...