
Algorithms for optimizing conjunctive normal form expressions for particular instruction sets?

I'm using Espresso to produce a minimized form of a set of boolean equations. However rather than generating logic for a programmable array logic (which is what Espresso is normally used for), I am looking to implement these on a standard microprocessor. The trouble is that Espresso produces output in conjunctive normal form, which is pe...

Project Update via Textmate (like Espresso)

I am thoroughly in love with Textmate. I program everything in it, including ASP.Net for my daily job. However, I have a license for Espresso and I was looking at it recently and discovered that there is a "Publish" section that I knew about before, but I didn't know that it could compare my FTP directory with my local directory and pu...

Publishing to Amazon S3 with Espresso

I've been looking around to get some clarity on this but it seems like I'm the only stupid one having a problem with it. Case is, I can't connect to Amazon S3 with Espresso. Or I think the case is rather that I don't know how to. I mean, I have my username, access key and secret key. Espresso asks for the username and password. So which...

coda navigator like espresso code navigator

does anyone know if coda can do code navigation like espresso or dreamweaver where if you click a div or any block tag, you can click to see the whole block of code, or collapse the block? thanks! ...