
Eucalyptus Cloud software threatened by Amazon patent?

Eucalyptus is an open source software to create your own private cloud. It uses the same API as Amazon EC2 (and S3 for storage). I heared rumors that Amazon holds patents on the EC2 Webservice API and is therefore able to shutdown Ecualyptus (and other systems using the same API as Rightscale) basically from one day to another. However,...

Can I run Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud on Sun sparc servers?

I would like to deploy a private cloud using Ubuntu Server 9.10. There is a -sparc iso available here. My question is if any of the cloud packages included in 9.10 will work on sparc hardware? A search for sparc on the Eucalyptus forums yields no results. I realize that "commodity hardware" usually means x86 but sparc boxes are what ...

Home workstation cloud computing solution on Ubuntu

Hello everyone! I want to make a cloud computing testing environment on my in-house network. I'm using Ubuntu (just to work on; i don't want to watch Gentoo compile screens all time:) and I plan to make an Eucalyptus installation for a cloud platform. I want to get the most of my Core2Quad and Core2Duo machines:) What I need a cloud for...

Java Cloud APIs

I'm looking to write a Java (Groovy actually) web application that will need to talk to both AWS and Eucalyptus clouds for both compute and storage. So we're looking for a Java library that can talk to both. I know that Eucalyptus is supposed to be AWS API compatible so anything that talks to AWS should be able to talk to Eucalyptus bu...

programmatically setting up eucalyptus node controller keys

Hello, I had a general question regarding the way eucalyptus setups ssh keypairs for the various controllers like cluster, node etc. Currently my task at hand is to automate setup of eucalyptus (including ssh'ing into machines and settuping up cluster controller and node controllers). If i have to do this programmatically, i need somehow...

Which open source platform is good for a private/hybrid cloud?

I'm working on building a private cloud, and we've been considering Eucalyptus and OpenNebula. Are there any other good open source platform available for building a private/hybrid cloud? Between Eucalyptus and OpenNebula, which one do you recommend? ...

Eucalyptus: getting private key from key pair through API / or injecting custom public key to instance

I'm probably having the most simple problem, but I'm still a bit at my wits end. Basically my problems are related to this command: euca-run-instances -k mykey emi-104915A8 As you know, when starting up instance in Eucalyptus, either through API (as I actually am) or with the command above, the key pair has to be created. If I have und...

Question Regarding Walrus

Can anyone point me to some technical implementation, design docs, case studies, performance studies regarding Walrus? ...