
Flex 4 Bubbling custom event

Hi, How to create a bubbling custom event in Flex 4? To create and expose a custom event in MXML, you need to declare it at the component that will dispatch the event with this line: <fx:Metadata> [Event(name="select", type="my.engine.events.SelectionEvent")] </fx:Metadata> This allows you to: <my:CustomComponent select="do...

jquery slide up and down with animate wont stop sliding

i have a photo with some content on top of it (name, desc, price) the content is in a ul. in default state the ul only shows the name by setting the absolute position of the ul toward the bottom of the image and then hiding the overflow with a mask div. then when you mouseover the ul slides up showing the whole info as long as you stay o...

Event Handling order

javascript jquery event handling if on event (for example 'click') binded one function for parent element and another handler function for child DOM element, which of them are called? If all of them will be call in which order? Thank you! ...

Binding event handlers to specific elements, using bubbling (JavaScript/jQuery)

I'm working on a project that approximates the functionality of Firebug's inspector tool. That is, when mousing over elements on the page, I'd like to highlight them (by changing their background color), and when they're clicked, I'd like to execute a function that builds a CSS selector that can be used to identify them. However, I've b...

Javascript Mouseover bubbling from children

Ive got the following html setup: <div id="div1"> <div id="content1">blaat</div> <div id="content1">blaat2</div> </div> it is styled so you can NOT hover div1 without hovering one of the other 2 divs. Now i've got a mouseout on div1. The problem is that my div1.mouseout gets triggered when i move from content1 to content2, because the...

jquery focusin() and preventing bubbling.

UPDATE 2: I slept on it and then whipped up some sample code to try and further figure out the issue. Here's a sample using the console.log of firebug to show you which object is triggering the focusin event: http://jsbin.com/axefo3/11 1) click the first link: yellow div shows 2) hit the tab key: It should tab into the link within t...

Validation not bubbling up to my other models.

Ok, I have a relationship between People, Users and Employees such that All Employees are Users and all Users are People. Person is an abstract class that User is derived from and Employee is derived from that. Now... I have an EmployeesController class and the create method looks like this: def create @employee = Employee.new(params...

disable event-bubbling c# wpf

Hi, I'm having the following problem: When I got two labels into each other: <Label x:Name="First" MouseUp="Label_MouseUp"> <Label x:Name="Second" MouseUp="Label_MouseUp_1">This is a label into another label</Label> </Label> And the following code: private void Label_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { Console.W...

Stop event bubbling in Javascript

I have a html structure like : <div onmouseover="enable_dropdown(1);" onmouseout="disable_dropdown(1);"> My Groups <a href="#">(view all)</a> <ul> <li><strong>Group Name 1</strong></li> <li><strong>Longer Group Name 2</strong></li> <li><strong>Longer Group Name 3<...

jQuery stopPropagation bubble down

I have a div with a link inside of it: <div id="myDiv"> <a href="http://www.lol.com"&gt;Lol&lt;/a&gt; </div> Clicking the <div /> should go somewhere, but clicking the child <a /> should go to www.lol.com. I've seen from previous questions and the jQuery website that .stopPropagation prevents bubbling upwards, but how do I prevent...

If you delete a DOM element, do any events that started with that element continue to bubble?

What behavior should I expect if I delete a DOM element that was used to start an event bubble, or whose child started the event bubble - will it continue to bubble if the element is removed? For example - lets say you have a table, and want to detect click events on the table cells. Another piece of JS has executed an AJAX request tha...

Global application hook for mouse events in Silverlight

Is there any way to register a global event handler for catching mouse events in a Silverlight application? I'd like to avoid subscribing to the mouse event handlers of each FrameworkElement and find a more elegant solution (bubbled events). Thanks ...

Javascript Event Bubbling Not Working As Expected

Hi Guys, Having a nightmare trying to figure out event Bubbling.. Full test case: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function $(ob) { return document.getElementById(ob) } function bodyClick() { $('win_clicks').value = parseInt($('win_clicks').value) + 1; } window.addEventListener('load',function(e) { $('bl_lnk').ad...

JQuery Validation Plugin: Prevent validation issue on nested form

I have a form on which I use validation. This form has a section for photo upload. Initially this section contains six elements with the following code: <img class="photo_upload" src="image/app/photo_upload.jpg"> I have bound a function to the click event for the class of photo_upload. This function replaces the image with a minimal ...

capturing event on parent element

window.event reports the lowest element in the tree when a click happens. e.g. <a href="http://server.com/page.aspx" id="anchor"> <span id="span" class="Someclass"> <strong id="strong">Submit</strong> </span> </a> When you click on the above link and if you have onclick listner at BODY level, the window.event will report that "st...

Why does a book say DOM event flow has both Capturing and Bubbling? Then won't the event occur twice?

The book Professional Javascript by Zakas says that 1) IE uses event bubbling 2) Netscape uses event capturing 3) DOM event flow is first capturing and then bubbling So, won't the event handler be called twice? What is this DOM event flow, is it the DOM level 2 event handling? As I understands it, is the following true? a) IE 6, ...

What is a good example to listen to event both at the "link" (or div) and at the parent or ancestor element?

Most of the time I see code registering an event listener for a link or a div or button, and handle everything from there. But the event capturing and bubbling is good to handle events at the offspring and then at the ancestor level. But what is a good example we will want to listen at 2 different places? ...

WPF how to pass events to sibling elements

I have read the post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2982168/button-mousedown In continuation to that I want to ask 1 more question. My XAML is as follows : <Window.Resources> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ContentControl}"> <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="5" /> <Setter Property="Padding" Value="10" /> ...

Click event handler inadvertently bubbles, even after calling jQuery's stopPropagation()

Hi, I'm trying to have different delegate click handlers for different elements within "li" elements in a list. Example: <ul id='myList'> <li> <p>First item.</p> <button>button1</button> <button>button2</button> </li> <li> <p>Second item.</p> <button>button1</button> <button>button2</button> </li> </ul> ...

Confused about Event Bubbling/Capturing and jQuery

Hello all, I'm an absolute noob with jQuery and pretty crap at frontend development so here's my question. With the following HTML <select id="event_category_id" name="event_category_id"> <option value="">Select Category</option> <option value="1">Category One</option> <option value="2">Category Two</option> <option value="3">...