
MVVM WPF: Reflecting a controls property to the viewmodel, when an events get triggered.

Okay i'm trying to understand WPF and the popular MVVM Pattern. Now i have this issue. I'm using a ribbon control with several tabs. In my ViewModel i have a property "ActiveTab (string)" Which should reflect the currently active tab. Since ribboncontrol doesn't have any property that shows this information i can't bind to it. So i wa...

Close combobox after n seconds

I have a combobox that stays open if the user does not make a selection. I'd like to use a trigger to close the combobox after 2 seconds. Here is a portion of my combobox style that includes my failed eventtrigger attempt at accomplishing this: <Style x:Key="ComboBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}"> <Setter Property="FontFamily...

How to use both Command and EventTrigger in DataTemplate Button?

I have a Button in a DataTemplate that is bound to a Command in my ViewModel. The button also has an EventTrigger that kicks off a Storyboard that hides the edit controls (of which the button is a part.) The Storyboard works fine if I pick up the PreviewMouseDown event, but the Command never gets called. If I pick up the MouseDown event...