
Compatible issue when i try to open vsto office 2007 workbook.

I have VS 2008 Pro and office 2003 Pro installed with asp.net framerwork 3.5 SP1 I am trying to open vsto office 2007 workbook project and get the compatible error. how to resolve this. ...

Export SQL file into Excel

Hi guys, I have a sql file which has a lot of insert statements (1000+), e.g. insert into `pubs_for_client` (`ID`, `num`, `pub_name`, `pub_address`, `pub_tele`, `pub_fax`, `pub_email`, `publ_website`, `publ_vat`, `pub_last_year`, `titles_on_backlist`, `Personnel`) values('2475','2473','xxx xxx xxx','xxx xxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, ','000...

Excel SUM and IF combine help

I have two columns of numbers. Both are 1 to 5. I want to count all the cells where the left column value equals the right column value AND the left column value equals a certain value. I tried this: =SUM(IF(W2:W13=X2:X13 AND W2:W13=4,1,0)) I've tried pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter and it adds {} around the formula but that didn't hel...

PHP: Zipping files as xlsx causes file to become invalid

Hi all, I have to replace variables inside a user-submitted xlsx file and am doing it this way: Rename the .xlsx to .zip Unzip to a temp-folder Make the necessary changes Zip the files Rename the .zip to .xslx I am using plain ZipArchive in PHP. When I try to open the generated .xlsx in Excel, it fails with a message format or exten...

Excel VBA or Function to extract Workbook name and data from workbook.

Is there any way to extract the workbook name, but then extract only a part of it. Any version of excel would be fine preferably 2003. For example "Help_TicketID123456788.xls" "Help_TicketID563565464.xls" ... So then I'd like to extract the ID numbers and put them into a column on a master worksheet in another workbook. Additi...

Dynamic Graph in excel 2007

I want to graph the result of my table in excel. here is the code that I have : Sub bow() ' ' bow Macro ' ' Worksheets("Sheet3").Select tahX = Cells(3, 3).Value + 2 Xval = Offset(A1, 1, 2, 1, 1) ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Sheet3'!$12:$12,'Sheet3'!$10:$10") ActiveChart.ChartT...

. change to # when reading data from excell file

Hi,I use the following code to read excel data into a data table , however the column name P.O.BOX has changed to P#O#BOX in the data table.Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? Dim FileName As String = "C:\abc.xls" Dim conn As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection = Nothing Dim dt As New DataTable Try Try ...

Excel "Refresh All" with OpenXML

Hello, I have an excel 2007 file (OpenXML format) with a connection to an xml file. This connection generates an excel table and pivot charts are using this table. I am trying to find a way with OpenXML SDK v2 to do the same as the "Refresh All" button in Excel. So that I could automatically update my file as soon as a new xml file is ...

Retrieving data from excel and storing it in Access

I have several excel workbooks that each have a desire spreadsheet that will continually be updated with data by non-tech users and the process now is that the data is being manually entered into an Access DB through an Access GUI that is linked to the DB tables. To eliminate the manual input I was thinking I can import the data into acc...

Excel formatting option

Im copying in data to a cell, when I copy it, the source info is this. 1000486818242033 it copies as this. 1.00949e+14 When i convert to number or text to columns it changes to this 1000486818242030 How can I fix that? ...

How to enable Grouping on a protected Excel 2007 sheet - without macros

I have an Excel 2007 XLSX workbook I am developing. It has multiple sheets and most of those use Excel's Grouping feature. I want to be able to protect the sheets, to protect some formulas and such from user intervention, but it seems there's no way to do that and still allow the user to expand or collapse the Grouped columns whenever th...

Control that filters data in excel

Hello, I am working with some data in Excel. I was wondering if it is at all possible to setup a filter that will interact with a drop-down menu. For example: I have a list of all the cities in Illinois and they are organized by which county they are in. Is there a way to add a drop down menu control with a list of counties in it (whic...

Are there any good extension method libraries available other than the one from MS, for Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel?

Much as the question states, there is Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Extensions (part of VSTO Power Tools)which offers a series of handy extension methods for calling Excel interop code from C#. Are there other 3rd party/open source libraries that ppl are aware of that can be used in the same way? i.e. to either hide parameters (of metho...

Create excel file using PHP compatible for 2007 and 2003

am creating a .xls file using PHP fopen write and append the contents to the file. Works fine with Excel 2003. But excel 2007 showing a alert before opening as un supported type. If i create file with .xlsx extension , it is not opening in 2003. Is there any standard way that works fine in both 2003 and 2007 versions . ...

How Do I read an Excel 2007 spreadsheet with more than 65535 rows?

Here's what my connection string looks like.. m_conn = new OleDbConnection(String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=" + (char)34 + "Excel 12.0;HDR=YES" + (char)34, m_fileName)); When I do a select, I only get 65535 rows back but I know the excel spreadsheet has at least 100,000. How Do I re...

Export SharePoint list to excel doesn't show Version, works in Excel 2003 but not 2007

I'm exporting a list from SharePoint with a particular view (that shows the Version of the item). Exporting to Excel 2003 the list contains the Version column however in Excel 2007 the Version column is missing. Any hints? ...

using excel function on group of numbers with steady jumps

Hello, i have a column A with about 10,000 random numbers. I want to perform a function ( =MAX() for instance) on group of 100 numbers every time, i.e. i want to do =MAX(A1:A101) then =MAX(A102:A202) =MAX(A203:A303) etc... notice there's no overlapping in the groups. normal Dragging doesn't work, it will perform jumps of 1 for...

How to read an .XLSX (Excel 2007) file using ADO.NET? I am finding "Could not find installable ISAM"-error.

I need to work in .net 2.0. So I can't use OpenXML. This is my source code and I have already Installed AccessDatabaseEngine.exe. But still getting the exception: "Could not find installable ISAM". I have also tried "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0" in the connection string. static void Main(string[] args) { DataSet dataSet = new D...

ExcelInterop Program

I am creating a excel using VB.net and added micrsoftexcell com as reference to the project. when i copy the exe to other machine it is not working giving following error. Excel 2007 installed on the machine. Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' o...

Extracting data from excel using interop - ignore certain cells where no data is contained.

Hi guys, I'm using c# and visual studio to extract data from an excel sheet, put it into an array (adding commas to the end of each string) and then output it to a .CSV file. Now I've run into a snag that occurs when a cell has either no data, or not the data expected (i.e. an image). I am assuming that this is on the reading end of th...