
can you delete a macro when a file is copied but preserve it in the original?

I have a workbook called Expenses Sheet.xls located in R:\LGS\FINANCES\ losts of people refer to it and often save a copy so they can manipulate the data. There is an autosave macro in the original file savingto a fixed location. Is it possible to delete all macros in the new (save As) copy so the new copy does not have the macros co...

Select uniques, and one of the doubles

I have a table with columns A, B and C. Column A might have duplicates. I need a query that will get me a resultset with unique values in column A, and I don't care which possible duplicate it takes. I don't know anything beforehand about the rest of the data. An example might be: A B C 1 8 8 1 7 7 2 10 10 In...

Is it possible to View an Excel file on Linux

I have a testing package which uses an Excel spreadsheet to manage the Tests. It's written in Java and parses the Spreadsheet, then executes the tests. It runs on Windows and Linux, however currently if a test fails you can't see the info in the Spreadsheet without going back to Windows. Does anyone know of a way to view ( and possibly e...

Conditionally linking cells in Excel 2007

I have a series of worksheets in an Excel spreadsheet. Each worksheet details a set of requirements, along with each component necessary to make that requirement happen, broken down into the following layers: UI, backend, services, database, and misc. So columns like this: Req#, Description, UI, Hours, Backend, Hours, Services, Hours, ...

Reading Excel file w/ADO.net - no data (or tables)

This is my first attempt to read an Excel 2007 file via ADO.net, and I must be missing something b/c when I try to run the query, I get an exception. When I started looking, it's b/c the table (worksheet) isn't there. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here is my code: string cs = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB....

PowerPoint document pulls data points from XML / Excel

What I want to do: Pull information (numbers, words, etc) from fields that are either in an XML document or in an Excel spreadsheet, and embed these values in a text paragraph inside of a PowerPoint presentation. Example: Yearly, the production of product Y has reached <###> thousand units. where <###> is some value pulled fro...

How do you generate an Excel 2007 file in ASP.NET without getting a warning message?

Whenever I open an xls file I generated on my ASP.NET page with Excel 2007, I get the following error: The file you are trying to open, 'filename.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file no...

reading excel cell contents as Java InputStream

this code reads contents of cell of excel file into a string String theCell_00=rs.getCell(j,i).getContents(); is there any method using which the contents of excel cell are read as Java InputStream i need to read excel cell content and pass the contents to InputStream argument of this function public void encrypt(InputStream in, Out...

Forcing Garbage Collection in VBA/Excel 2000

Is there a way to force garbage collection in VBA/Excel 2000? This question refers to the Macro language in Excel. Not using VB .NET to manipulate Excel. So GC.collect() won't work ...

Ceiling function in Access

Have searched for this, no luck. Can someone tell me how create a Ceiling Function in MS access that behaves the same as the one in excel? ...

determine schema field type in SQLite, CSV, or Excel

I am working on an Cocoa project using SQL databases, or CSV/Excel files as the input. Right now, I have hard-coded the SQL schema for the SQLie files I am importing (For example, the program would know that the first column is a STRING, second column is a INT... etc.). I am wondering if there's any C or Objective-C library or method to...

How do I convert multiple columns to a single column?

I have a table that looks like this: Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 a b c d e f g h I need to convert it to this: Col1 New a b a c a d e f e g e h I have a ton of data and doing this by hand is out of the question. Does anyone know of a fast way to do this? I'm hoping that there is a built in way (such as...

How to calculate Future Value (FV) using JavaScript

I've been given a task to convert a simple spreadsheet to a HTML form to be used on a website, that is going to do some calculations using JavaScript. This would be no problem at all except I know nothing about financial functions, and I've ran into FV (Future Value). This is the spreadsheet: B3 = 100 B4 = 10 B5 = B4*12 B6 = 12 B7 = 3 ...

read XLS file through batch script

This works:- for /F "tokens=4 delims= skip=1" %%x in (myfile.txt) DO echo %%x But not this:- for /F "tokens=4 delims= skip=1" %%x in (myfile.xls) DO echo %%x How can i read xls without converting to tab saperated? XLS = Excel file ...

Given a date range, count # of workdays per pay period the range falls in

I have a list of roughly 6500+ rows in Excel2007. Each row represents the time that a person was on disability leave with a start date and an end date. If there is no end date, then the end date is set to 12/31/9999. A sample of some values is below: Workers Compensation 4/7/2009 12/31/9999 Workers Compensation 5/21/2009 12/31/...

Excel 2003 VBA error 1004 after XML data import

Hi, I built an macro which takes different XML input files and imports each one into a different worksheet in a workbook. It then saves the workbook. This works a treat 98% of the time with hundreds of users, but sometimes fails when saving the workbook with "Error 1004: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'C:\SymmPiT'. I fou...

Copy and paste cells if Duplicate columns , Excel Macro

Hi, I am not very techi-but I have been recording and editing basic Excel Macros for a little while. I have found a few results which almost match my issue, however I am struggling to adapt it so I am hoping someone might be kind enough to help me?! my issue: Sheet 1 a/b/c/d name/black/blue/green Sam/1//1 Jill//1/ Jill/1// Sam//...

How do you use the value of a named cell in a macro in a diferent sheet, same workbook?

I'm just not getting it, I'm using Excel 2003 and am totally confused as I'm jsut not getting it ...can anyone help? I need to check that named value with a number of coulumn headings on the active sheet and then insert a colum to the left of the column holding the matching text. I'm sure that bit is very hard - but I'm not even able t...

Looping Code/Skipping Rows

I have the following in a piece of VBA code: For i = 1 To 5 myArray(i) = i + 0 Next i For i = 6 To 8 myArray(i) = i + 1 Next i For i = 9 To 14 myArray(i) = i + 2 Next i ...etc There must be a better way to do this, but for the life of me I cannot think of one. Could anyone help? Perhaps something with the Select..Case syn...

Convert row with columns of data into column with multiple rows in Excel 2007

I have a row of data as follows: header1 header2 header3 header4 header5 row key datavalue1 datavalue2 datavalue3 datavalue4 datavalue5.... so basically, I have a denormalized data set where the datavalues may or may not be empty on a row-by-row basis. I need to normalize them. ie 1234567...