
The best way to process lists of email addresses

I have got 3 text files (A, B and C), each with several hundred email addresses. I want to merge list A and list B into a single file, ignoring differences in case and white space. Then I want to remove all emails in the new list that are in list C, again ignoring differences in case and white space. My programming language of choice is...

Programming Excel

I'd like to give my boyfriend a taste of programming. If it was up to me, I'd teach Scheme, Haskell or F# but since he'd rather learn something that can be useful in his job as a fiscal consultant, i.e. programming Excel. What are the options for programming Excel? Which one would you recommend for someone who's just learning to program...

Add a picture to an excel sheet with Delphi 6.

I've created an excel sheet with Delphi 6. Now I have to add a picture to my sheet. Anybody knows how to do that? ...

How best to export native data to Excel without introducing dependency on Office?

Our product has the requirement of exporting its native format (essentially an XML file) to Excel for viewing/editing. However, what this entails is having a dependency on Excel (or Office) itself for our product build - something that we do not want. What we have done is export the data from our native format to a csv file which can b...

Does ADO.NET + massive INSERTs + Excel + C# = "A bad time"?

Basically I need to insert a bunch of data to an Excel file. Creating an OleDB connection appears to be the fastest way but I've seen to have run into memory issues. The memory used by the process seems to keep growing as I execute INSERT queries. I've narrowed them down to only happen when I output to the Excel file (the memory holds...

How to write data from access to excel file

I am trying to use the following code to write data into an excel file Dim objexcel As Excel.Application Dim wbexcel As Excel.Workbook Dim wbExists As Boolean Set objexcel = CreateObject("excel.Application") objexcel.Visible = True ...

What's the best way to get the last non-empty worksheet in Excel (VBA)

I'm trying to write a VBA macro for a group that has one workbook where they daily create new worksheets, but they also have Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3 at the end of their long list of sheets. I need to create a external cell reference in a new column in a different workbook where this information is being summarized, so I need to know ho...

How to return a range of cells in VBA without using a loop?

Hi, let's say I have a excel spread sheet like below: col1 col2 ------------ dog1 dog dog2 dog dog3 dog dog4 dog cat1 cat cat2 cat cat3 cat I want to return a range of cells (dog1,dog2,dog3,dog4) or (cat1,cat2,cat3) based on either "dog" or "cat" I know I can do a loop to check one by one, but is there any other me...

Embedding Excel files in XSL-FO driven (Pdf)-Document Generation

Hello there, we're currently generating all our official documents using XSL-FO transformation using .xml files as input and generating .pdfs & basically all the content within these .xml's is either plain text or xhtml. This works perfectly fine for every-day use-cases, but some of our users refer to Microsoft Excel files which our XSL...

How to get Excel Integration in TFS to remember formatting?

When I create a TFS report of a query with the Excel integration features (we are using Excel 2003), Excel resets formatting of all cells after clicking the "Refresh" button in the TFS Toolbar. Our team likes to print this report and drag it into our weekly meeting as it accurately lists all our open tasks. Bad formatting is a pain, tho...

stop Ms Excel auto-formatting numeric strings as numbers

I am exporting a report from MS Access(2003) to Excel (97-2003) output. One of the columns has a character string that is numeric for some rows e.g. "05-0880". When I open the output file in MS Excel the corresponding cell is set to the number -372424. I assume this is caused by Excel being "clever" and deciding that "05-0808" repres...

.NET Error: The dependency 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel' could not be found

My colleague has written a DLL which drives Excel. When I reference his DLL in my .NET app, I get a warning: The dependency 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel' could not be found. My app will compile. However, when I get to the bit that uses my colleague's DLL to access Excel, an exception is thrown, with the message above. We shoul...

System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip height or autosize

I'm using a series of ToolStrips in an Excel 2007 Actions Pane. I'm programatically adding buttons to each ToolStrip and then adding each ToolStrip to the actions pane. So far so good; my ToolStrips appear, with their associated ToolStripButtons. The problem comes with displaying the entire contents of the ToolStrip. I have ToolStrip....

VBA: Add property to class

I would like to do something like add a nice-to-Excel-functions Name property to the WorkBook class. Is there a good way to do this? More detailed problem: In VBA you can assign a formula to a range in an Excel worksheet. I want to do so, and I want my formula to refer to a second workbook, which is an object called wb in my code. I the...

How do I create a filter for Microsoft Excel?

I want to add a file type extension to the Open Dialog of Excel (2003, 2007 if possible, 2007 only, if necessary). When the user opens my type of file (i.e. myfile.myx), I want my application to read the file and paste the file into Excel in my own defined manner (by using Interop) ...

Automating Excel using ASP.NET

Background We are developing some in-house utilities using ASP.NET 2.0. One of which is extracting some information from databases and building an Excel workbook containing a number of spreadsheets with data based on queries into the database. Problem The proof-of-concept prototype (a simple ASP.NET page that queries a single item fro...

Add Excel ribbon controls at runtime (VSTO 2005SE)

Does anyone know how to modify the content of the Excel ribbon at runtime with VSTO 2005SE? Not only update labels or dynamic menus, but also add or remove buttons, tabs, groups, drop downs etc. At runtime means not only at my add-in startup, but also during work with Excel. ...

SQL Export to Excel results to doc lock, cannot edit the sheet

Hi, please help me solve the following issues. When I export a report from SQL reports 2005 the image logos are distorted a bit, and the sheets are locked so further editing and sorting is not possible. When I unlock the the frozen cells, to allow sorting and editing, the whole sheets are scrambled due to merged cells used by headings...

Iterating unregistered add-ins (.xla) in Excel 2003

Hi, I need help in figuring out how to iterate through currently open Excel add-in files (.xla) that have not been registered in Excel using the Tools > Add-ins menu path. More specifically, I am interested in any workbook that doesn't appear in the Add-In dialog, but has ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True. Demonstrating the issue: Trying to...

Excel 2007 VBA and WMI - Current DOMAIN\USER
