
Excel formula to show linked cell ID

In an excel cell, I've placed a simple formula =C4 The cell typically displays the value of cell C4, but instead I want to see the linked cell ID instead, which in this case is "C4". Is there a formula to show me this? like: =SHOWCELL(C4) The reason I need this instead of simply typing the value of "C4" into the cell, is so Excel ...

VSTO Excel Addin - Opening XML file located in addin folder

In a VSTO Excel addin the code: Dim XMLDoc As XElement = XElement.Load("XMLFile1.xml") generates a FileNotFound error with the message ("Could not find file 'C:\Users\doug\Documents\XMLFile1.xml'.") It's looking in the My Documents folder but the XML file is located in the VS Projects folder for that project. I have set the XML file'...

Finding contained bordered regions from Excel imports.

I am importing massive amounts of data from Excel that have various table layouts. I have good enough table detection routines and merge cell handling, but I am running into a problem when it comes to dealing with borders. Namely performance. The bordered regions in some of these files have meaning. Data Setup: I am importing directly f...

multiple pivot table consolidation to another pivot table

I have to SQL Server views being drawn to 2 seperate worksheets as pivot tables in an excel 2007 file. the results on worksheet1 include example data: - company_name, tickets, month, year company1, 3, 1,2009 company2, 4, 1,2009 company3, 5, 1,2009 company3, 2, 2,2009 results from worksheet2 include example data: company_name,...

excel function to get value of another cell

I hope the image above can explain what I need. :) Problem 1: Get the date where it is the first value in the row Problem 2: Get the date where the value is 100 I would also attach the actual excel file, but I am limited to posting only 1 link. ...

excel turning my numbers to floats

Hello, i have a bit of asp.net code that exports data in a datagrid into excel but i noticed that it messes up a particular field when exporting. eg .. i have the value of something like 89234010000725515875 in a column in the datagrid but when exported, it turns it into 89234+19. Is there any excel formatting that will bring back m...

Excel workbook event order and usage when closing Excel

Given the following workbook events: BeforeClose BeforeSave Please tell me: - The firing order in the case of multiple workbooks alreay opened (wb1, wb2 and wb3 are opened in this order) and the user closes Excel. You can assume all 3 needs saving. - What happen if user cancels one of the saving operations say wb2? Note: Please provi...

Writing excel file to vb6

i have an excel file template and i want save the written value in textboxes to the cells of excel using vb6 language. can anyone help me? ...

Problem with reading excel cell value to a VARIANT

hi, I'm reading a excel cell value to a VARIANT data type from VBA code. When I enter a integer value to the cell, the VARIANT always takes the argument as type double. Please help me to rectify this problem. Thank you ...

How to create and update spreadsheet using OLEDB in C#?

HI! all I am creating .xls spreadsheet file using following code using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\temp.xls;Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes'")) { conn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("CREATE TABLE [NewSheet] ([Column1] string, [Column2] string)...

Suppress excel add-in confirmation message

I am accessing excel with C++ and add-ins are being loaded. Everything we load the add-in programatically, the user has to click ok when the add-in is unloaded and loaded. Some users have complained that this can be as much as 20 times for a "run." How can I programatically suppress the add-in confirmation messages? NOTE: excelApp...

Delphi, What do I do about "no GetEnumerator present" error when using a for loop over Excel Interop Worksheets collection?

Hello, I'm trying to write a Delphi program that will loop through each worksheet in an Excel file and format some cells. I'm receiving an error while trying to use the for-in loop over the Workbook.Worksheets collection, though. The error is specifically: [DCC Error] Office.pas(36): E2431 for-in statement cannot operate on coll...

How to get the current open documents in Excel using C#?

All I need is to get the list of currently open documents in the currently open instance of Microsoft Excel. But I don't know Excel terminology to know if these documents are called workbooks, or sheets, or windows, etc. Any ideas ...

Too Many Different Cell Formats

I have a massive file with 10 sheets recreated from scratch, 12 sheets updated, 5 sheets loaded with raw data, and 7 sheets that are used by the macros for the report. I have recently added a new sheet and am running into the Excel "Too many different cell formats" problem. I have read some of the google search results and they say I sh...

decrypt excel files

Hi I have 1000 encrypted workbooks which I would like to decrypt by providing a pwd. I could not find a decrypt method under apache poi or python's xlrd module. Does anyone know a library which could handle this (wbc.decrypt(pwd)). I would prefer a lib i could you use from a unix box. Thanks ...

How to get points that intersect the trendline?

Basically I did the Cavendish experiment, and I have a damped sinusoidal wave plotted on Excel. With Position (mm) against Time (s). My problem is that I have added a tread line through the wave function, and wish to calculate the points of which the wave function intersects the tread line. From this I will then be able to calculate the...

How can I "remind" users to fill in cells on a worksheet

Hello: I have a set of cells on a worksheet called "Docs". The cell range is (B13:C23). When users get taken to this page, they are meant to fill out each of these cells with a value from 0 through 6. My Question: Is there some code that I can attach to this sheet where, if a user does not fill in a cell with anything (ie. leaves it b...

Save Xml in an Excel cell value causes ComException

I am trying to save an object (Class1) as string in a cell value. My issue is that from time to time I have a ComException: HRESULT: 0x8007000E (E_OUTOFMEMORY) (It is kind of random but I have not identified any particular pattern yet) when I write the value into a cell. Any ideas will be welcome For illustration purposes: Let Class1...

Cell color changing In Excel using C#

I am using a Windows application for exporting a data table to Excel. It's working. Now I want to give some color for particular text in the cell. How shall I do this? ...

EOF of excel in vb6

how do i write the code in vb6 in finding the EOF of excel file can anyone help me? i try to code this and it works.. ---> Dim excelApp as Excel.Application Dim excelWB as Excel.Workbook Set excelApp = New Excel.Application Set excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Open("D:\Book1.xls") Dim xlsRow as Long Dim EOF as Boolean xlsRow = 1 D...