
Prepare and import data into existing database

I maintain a PHP application with SQL Server backend. The DB structure is roughly this: lot === lot_id (pk, identify) lot_code building ======== buildin_id (pk, identity) lot_id (fk) inspection ========== inspection_id (pk, identify) building_id (fk) date inspector result The database already has lots and buildings and I need to ...

How can I store a list of rows in a spreadsheet cell?

Is there a good method of storing a list of rows in a cell and then detecting whether a certain row is in that list? The method I have seems a bit over the top. I label each row with a prime number, then store the list of rows as the product of each prime, missing out the rows I don't want in my list. Detecting whether a given row is...

Data validation in excel cell using SpreadSheetGear.

Hey How to validate integer and float in excel using spreadsheet gear. Thanks in Advance Avinash ...

Can I import excel file to phpmyadmin?

I have an speadsheet file contains some data such as ID, name, lastname. Can I import excel file to phpmyadmin (SQL)? How to do it? ...

What is the Microsoft Query Syntax for Subqueries?

I am trying to do a simple subquery join in Microsoft Query, but I cannot figure out the syntax. I also cannot find any documentation for the syntax. How would I write the following query in Microsoft Query? SELECT * FROM ( SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM `C:\Book1.xlsx`.`Sheet1$` ) AS a JOIN ( SELECT Col1, Col3 FROM `C:\Book1.x...

How to detect the language of MS Excel.

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out a way of detecting the language of an installed version of Excel (ideally from C++). I need this to resolve an issue with computers on which the language of Excel differs from the Windows language (see this problem). ...

Excel Hyperlink mass update

I have a spreadsheet with thousands of rows. Each row contains a hyperlink with a path. The path is not valid, however easily fixable by replacing first part of it with correct value. Example: current hyperlink: F:\Help\index.html Needed: P:\SystemHelp\index.html The problem is that standard Find/Replace does not "see" content of hy...

importing csv file into pgsql

ok im trying to upload this csv file onto my table in pgsql but im getting this error ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "mlname,mfname,slname,sfname,address,postalcode,membershiptype,hphone,email" CONTEXT: COPY members2, line 1, column id: "mlname,mfname,slname,sfname,address,postalcode,membershiptype,hphone,email" i really...

running excel macro from another workbook

I have a macro that is on a server. I need to be able to run it from different workstations that connect to this server. Currently I am doing: Application.Run ("L:\database\lcmsmacro\macro1.xlsm!macro_name") The error message I am getting is "The macro may not be available in this workbook #1004" I have already made sure that my se...

Extracting the hyperlink value from an excel cell using asp.net

Hi, I'm reading an excel file using oledb in my asp.net code (vb). I have no problem going over the data but in one of the cells there is a string that "hides" a hyperlink. I want that hyperlink and not the string... Any ideas? Thanks ...

Excel Macros - Too many line continuations

Hi, I have a "large" sql query (like 200 lines)... dim query as string query = "..................................." & _ "..................................." & _ .... Like a lot lines later... "..................................." function query,"sheet 1" When i do this, excel says "Too many line continuat...

why should i use single quotes for application.run in excel?

i have this: Application.Run ("'L:\database\lcmsmacro\macro1.xlsm'!macro_name") why should i use the single quotes? does it not recognize the backslash? ...

get image as jpeg format from excel in c#

how to read image in cell of the excel sheet. This sheet contain .jpeg formated images. I want as they are means in jpeg format. i am using asp.net and c# for this. please guide. ...

How to formatting Excel Sheet cells using PHP

Hi all, Please help me about my doubts on excel and php. I need to do the following process on excel report generation using php to change cell's font styles to change cell's BG color to change cell's width ...

Getting the colour of Excel cells using interop

Hi, I have a range of cells the I retrieve from excel and I want to know how to get the colour of the cells in a column (all the cells are different colours). So far I have: Range range = sheet.get_Range( "A1", "D10" ); Which gets me the data I need into an object array but I want to be able to iterate through the rows and get the ce...

Problem with update sql with excel

Hi, I have a problem with this query: UPDATE Provinces SET Provinces.DefaultName=T2.Defaultname FROM Provinces INNER JOIN OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\provinces.xlsx;HDR=YES', 'SELECT Code, Defaultname FROM [Arkusz1$]') T2 On Provinces.Code = t2.Code WHERE...

10 users need to be able to run the same macro in excel

i have a server where resides an excel macro there will be about 10 users on 10 different workstations that will need to run that macro on their own worksheets. how do i run the macro from a centralized location by multiple users who want to run it on their own worksheets? the reason i need it centralized is because the macro will nee...

Mapping between Excel and XML file - How to refresh from C#

Hi Got an excel spread sheet where I specify mapping to an XML file. I'd like to open the spread sheet from C# and force refresh the cells mappped to the XML file. -> How can I do that ? Any dll I need to reference ? Thanks Olivier ...

creating an excel add-in

can someone please get me started on the following: i would like to package an excel macro as an add-in to excel. the macro will reside on a central computer, where 10 other computers will connect to. how do i create an add-in that will be constantly updated ? ...

How to Validate Pasted Dates in Excel

I want to validate pasted dates to remove /'s and ensure the year is 4 digits and when users paste them in it overwrites my excel validation. So, If a user pastes 05/19/10 into a cell, I would like it to convert to 05192010 or at least give an error if this is not possible. I don't know enough VB to add sheet-wide code that does this a...