
Excel Prorated SUMIF

I have a worksheet with 2 columns, one is a dollar amount, and the other is a day of the month (1 through 31) that the dollar amount is due by (the dollars are income streams). So, I use the following formula to SUM all the income streams due on or before a certain day: =SUMIF(C5:C14, "<="&$B$42,B5:B14) Column C is the due day B42 is...

Is it possible compare two excel files, using vba?

I would like to know if using VBA I can compare two similar excel files and shows the differences highlighting the background of cells or rows with different colors. ...

How to retrieve values of an enumeration of given string literal

Need to get a value of an enumeration of a given string literal like "xlCenter" (these values are cut and pasted from Excel Macro). I would like to retrieve the actual constant value (int) -4108="xLCenter" via com marshaling is this possible ? if so how ? Ideally I am looking for function like this public int ExcelConstant(string const...

Problem passing dynamic parameters to a mysql query from asp.net page

Hi, I've a requirement that I need to read an excel sheet programmatically using asp.net/C# and write the data obtained into a mysql table.The excel sheet contains something around 50 columns and 2000 records.I am able to read the data from the excel sheet and store it in a dataset.I am using the following code to write the data into my...

Excel Macro to find text in cell and insert hyperlink on cell

We're managing some system bugs in a web system and setting priority for execs in a spreadsheet. Each of the tickets has a "FD-" and four numbers as the ID. The web system has a hyperlink that has that "FD-####" at the end of the link. The end result would look like this -- http://www.mytickets.com/FD-#### I'd like to run a macro that f...

C++ library to load Excel (.xls) files

Hey Everyone, I'm looking for a free C++ library that can load .xls files in both Windows and Linux. If I had to make a choice, Linux would be the bare minimum. I've tried LibXL, but got this amazing error: "can't read more cells in trial version" So now I'm on the hunt for a free version :), unfortunately xlsLib isn't are enough al...

Executing LINQ Queries In Excel To SQL

I want to be able to interact with an SQL database using LINQ and Excel (it's a legacy thing). Is this sort of thing possible? I'm screwing around with SQLMetal, and have generated some database classes in VB, but they don't seem to go in smoothly into Excel (I'm getting a lot of red error text). Any ideas would be appreciated. ...

Programatically convert complex Excel file into HTML format

Hello all, I have a set of complex Excel files (with figures in it) that I want to show in a web browser. So I need to convert them into HTML page first. Since the excel files are very complex, I can not just parse them and generate a HTML table with HTML tags. The current manual solution that works fine is when I use Microsoft Excel so...

CSV is not creating format problems with integer value when generated through SSIS package

Hi I am trying to generate a CSV file from DB Query as source one of my column is having datatype nvarchar(50) with values as "01050007029604301001" After the export when the csv file is viewed using Excel the value appears as "1.0500E18" . How can i stop this . Please suggest ...

Exporting from SSRS 2008 ReportViewer to Excel Causes Duplicate Columns

I have a report that groups months by quarters, so each quarter has three months and the display of the months under the quarter is toggled by the quarter header. It looks just fine in the ReportViewer, but when exporting to Excel the first month in the quarter with data is duplicated and appended to the end of the quarter group. Her...

excel original toolbar buttons event in c#

i want to get excel format cell buttons event in c# add-in to do additional actions after user's click. generally i want catch excel actions when a cell's property is changed like cell's background color or border. i found sheetchange and cellchange events that trigger just for changes of cells content, not cells properties like backgrou...

Creating an Excel Template for different data size

I created an excel template for a file i've done for a routine work calculation. The file takes data from the data logger and does some analysis on it and outputs one number regardless of the input size. The problem I'm having is i have to modify the sheet to suit the number of rows, as everyday the data logger outputs a different num...

How to open write reserved excel file in python with win32com?

Hello, I'm trying to open a write-protected ms excel 2007 file using win32com in python -- I know the password. I can open it with user input of the password into the excel dialog box. I want to be able to open the file without any user interaction. I've tried the following, but it still pops up the dialog box. app.Workbooks.Open("f...

Query MySQL data from Excel (or vice-versa)

I'm trying to automate a tedious problem. I get large Excel (.xls or .csv, whatever's more convenient) files with lists of people. I want to compare these against my MySQL database.* At the moment I'm exporting MySQL tables and reading them from an Excel spreadsheet. At that point it's not difficult to use =LOOKUP() and such commands...

Creating and publishing excel file in MOSS 2007 using data from SQL Serer

Hello, I need help in this matter: We have a template of Excel file in which all calculations are already set. User can request a 'report'. Idea is to create a button on our site (SharePoint portal). After clicking on it a new Excel file is generated. This means to get actual data from database (SQL Server 2005 SP2), import them into te...

How to get data from excel sheet in a loop using jquery?

I am trying to get data from excel to jquery loop? Can someone help me on this? ...

Read data from uploaded excel

Hello, I need to create an ASP.NET 2.0+ web application that allows the user to upload some excel files; the contents from these files should be saved into some SQL database. The problem is with the connection string one should use in ADO.NET. According to this entry (and few others from SO), one has to specify the physical path to the ...

Dynamic Chart Series Labels

I have some Visual Basic Code that creates a chart for each row. It sets the series values using this code: .SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=" & Ws.Name & "!R" & CurrRow & "C3:R" & CurrRow & "C8" What I am struggling with is how do I set the series labels? The series labels will always be the 1st row and be in the corresponding column...

Changing Positions of the Chart When Creating Multiple Charts Automatically via Vbasic in Excel 2007

I am creating a new chart for each row of data in an Excel spreadsheet. I have the Vbasic working properly, but I want to change the position of the chart on the sheet that is added for each row. Below is my code, what do I need to do to change the position of the chart on the page automatically? Ideally, I would like it to be in th...

XQuery fn:replace not behaving as expected

I have an Excel worksheet in XML format which contains <Cell ss:StyleID="s127"><Data ss:Type="String">Replace Me</Data></Cell> I want to replace @A01-Replace with a different string. I'm using the XQuery's replace function like so: let $excel := doc("document.xml") let $test := "another string" return replace($excel, "Replace Me",...