
Custom PHPExcel cell format only shown after double-click

I encountered a weird problem setting a custom date format with PHPExcel: I'm writing an sql formatted date to a cell and setting it's format with setFormatCode to 'd/m/y'. When I open it in Excel 2007, it shows the orignial date format until I double click the cell and then it's updated to my desired format. Is there a way to have it re...

DataGrid to Excel. Saving entire page instead

Ok so I am trying to export the contents of DataGrid control to an excel file. Here is my code: Response.Clear(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=Report.csv"); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("~/GridData...

How to generate an Excel document with multiple worksheets from PHP?

I want to generate an MS Excel file from PHP. I know one can do something like this: header ( "Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel" ); header ( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo_bar.xls" ); But it will generate a file with just one Sheet. What I want is generating a file with multiple sheets. How can I do that? Maybe t...

using xsl to generate html for excel needs more formatting

I'd like to set the background color for some tags. Neither CSS background-color or attribute bgcolor seems to work. Is there a mso- CSS that will give me background color? Perl, XSL only, No Microsoft products. It should work for OS X and Windows, with current versions of Excel. xml: <d>Y</d> html: <td class="Status Y" bgcolor="yell...

Macro: how can I select multiple sheets in a workbook?

The workbook has over 50 worksheets and I'm working through an old macro that will help me amend the same range within each sheet. Howvere they have ahrdcoded the sheets.selectstatement. How do you write: Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Bob", "1953", etc, etc, etc)).Select so that all the sheets are selected - from first to last, no matter what...

VBA for excel Question : How to make VBA search for multiple texts in ranges ?

Hello i want to make a form that have 2 or 3 text boxes that i can enter text values in it and vba search for this values if they are matched in 1 cell like if i enter "hello" in the first text box then i entered "world" in the other text box it search the hall collumn for a range that have "hello world" in it then copy paste it to anoth...

How to export multilingual MySQL table to Excel without garbled text (e.g. à¹à¸­à¸™à¸™à)?

I have a MySQL table where I store text entered in any kind of language. The text is displayed correctly on the website, example but when I export the data to Excel I get garbled text. I tried exporting the data via PHPMyAdmin and even just doing something from the command line like mysql -user -p db < query.sql > export.tsv and I get...

Data storage format for iPad app. Export to excel

I am fairly new to Objective C and iOS programming but am constantly trying to learn as much as I can. I am about to start an iPad project which will involve storing large amounts of data which will need to be exported to one extremely large excel spreadsheet.(it's for a friend....they currently enter massive amounts of data into excel ...

How can you parse excel CSV data that contains linebreaks in the data?

I'm attempting to parse a set of CSV data using PHP, but having a major issue. One of the fields is a long description field, which itself contains linebreaks within the enclosures. My primary issue is writing a piece of code that can split the data line by line, but also recognize when linebreaks within the data should not be used. Th...

Interrupt/Abort a VBA-Loop

Hi Mates, I have a question on VBA on Excel: Is it (if yes, how) possible, to abort a long term loop? I have a Loop over several thousands of cells, which takes some minutes. How can I do a button or something like this to interrupt this loop manually? Building a button and overlay it with a makro is no problem ;-) Only the thing the m...

how to read an excel file that is readonly from c#?

I am trying to do that by using OleDb but the file is protected by a password which i dont have. So it gives the following error when i open the connection: Cannot update. Database or object is read-only. How can i solve this? thanks ...

Add row in a existing Excel document with styles.

Hello! I'm working with C# 2008 (FW 3.5), OpenXML SDK 2.0 and a Excel 2007 document's. The program take's values from a Database and create a dynamic table, and the values are pasted in a Excel template. All this work's fine, but i need something else: I need create a specified number of new row's in the template, but with styles (bo...

Convert datatable to excel 2007(.xlsx)

Hi, I have an DataTable I need to put into Excel 2007 format and save it as an excel file(.xlsx) 2007. Can anyone help me to achieve this? ...

How to auto format a table in Excel?

I have a table in Excel. In each row, I want to highlight the columns that correspond to the maximum value in that row. For example, if I have this table: 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 5 8 9 3 4 I want to highlight 3 in row 1, 5 in row 2 and 9 in row 3. How can I do that automatically? THANKS! ...

Trouble with strings passed as parameters from command line

I'm trying to convert a flat file into an Excel-readable format. We receive the text file that uses the tilde (~) as a field delimiter, and I want to convert it into one that uses the Tab character. I'm interested in running this from the command line, and I need to be flexible with the filenames, so I want to use parameters. The VBScrip...

Code To Open Password Protected Excel File

Help! I have a password protected Excel 2007 file and I lost the password. Any code in .NET to open such a file? Basically, I would need just a snapshot of the contents of the file. Thanks. ...

What -- does in Excel?

Hey, Trying to decipher some Excel formulas and I see some stuff like SUMPRODUCT(--Left(...)...) What is the -- doing? Naturally seems like decrementing to me but couldn't find any documentation on it. Thanks. ...

Is it possible to use any HTML5 fanciness to export local storage to Excel?

Title says it all. This question is similar, but doesn't highlight any possibilities to export the data. Thoughts? ...

How to properly deal with encrypted Word and Excel documents for viewing in a UIWebView?

I have a UIWebView that works fine for viewing an unencrypted Word or Excel document stored in the app's local Documents folder. I can use either: [webView loadData:documentData MIMEType:mimeType textEncodingName:textEncoding baseURL:baseDocumentURL]; Or: [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:baseDocumentURL]]; In bot...

Excel formula, find the first instance of OU= in string and remove any characters before it

Hi all, I have 1000's of strings similar to "CN=Joe Smith,OU=Students,DC=Domain,DC=Edu" and I want to find the first instance of OU= and remove the characters before it leaving me with "OU=Students,DC=Domain,DC=Edu". How can I do this with an Excel formula? Many thanks Jamie ...