
Salesforce - Export a custom contacts view to Excel

Is it possible to export a custom contact view to Excel? I have a button that goes to the ExportContacts.page that is defined like: <apex:page standardController="Contact" contenttype="application/vnd.ms-excel" recordSetVar="contacts" extensions="ExportContactsExtension" > <apex:pageBlock title="Contacts"> <apex:pageBlockTable va...

VBA: What is causing this string argument passed to ParamArray to get changed to a number (that looks suspiciously like a pointer)?

FINAL EDIT: It does indeed appear to be a compiler bug - see the accepted answer. Using VBA within Excel 2007, I have the following code in 'Class1': Option Explicit Public Function strange(dummy As String, ParamArray pa()) Debug.Print pa(LBound(pa)) End Function Public Sub not_strange(dummy As String, ParamArray pa()) Debug....

How to specify the name of the generate file to the e:worksheet function

We use the jboss seam-->excel module integration for generating excel sheets using e:worksheet. But the downloaded file name comes out as ExportUsers.jxl.xls, I would rather see this as ExportUsers.xls. How do I customize this information. ...

Importing Excel into Access, error row number reported by Access does not match with row number in Excel

I have done this many times and have never seen this. I have an Excel file that I am importing into Access. In this process, if Access encounters some errors, it stores these error incidences in a table called ImportErrors. This table shows the error (eg. "Type Conversion Failure"), the field on which the error was encountered, and the r...

Problem creating an Excel 2007 Workbook project in VS2010

I'm trying to create a new Excel workbook project in Visual Studio 2010 but it's not working. I get the error "Cannot open the workbook in the designer, because Visual Studio cannot find a required object for Microsoft Office Excel. To fix the problem, repair your installation of Office." I've repaired both Office and VS2010, uninstalle...

How to solve "Number stored as text" problem with SpreadsheetGear ?

Hello, I've decided to try SpreadsheetGear to generate excel workbooks. But on the very first workbook I've met "Number stored as text" problem. The problem doesn't go away even if I apply formatting to the cells (I tried to apply formatting before and after setting cell values) like this: r = worksheet.Cells[1, i, grid.Rows.Count - 1,...

update and delete single access record set via excel vba

I have this tool where employee information needs to be updated. I call in the MDB data to excel in one sheet. Now I use vlookup to see what is there and change it if needed. I have tried some tricks however some thing seems to be wrong.. please help. Sub update() Dim cn As Object Dim rs As Object Dim a As String strFile = "D:\temp exc...

Reading Excel Files in C#

How Can I open and read all data in excel file to perform some operations on say write them to a database ... ...

Connect from excel to oracle using oracle instant client

Hi What are the steps to be taken to use oracle instant client to connect from excel to oracle database. I have the unzipped basic instant client folder. The OS used is Windows XP. Here is my connection string: strConnection = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=servername; Uid=username;Pwd=password;" I have ...

How do I export an SQL Server Compact table to an Excel in Windows CE with C#?

I need to Export a table from SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table (*.sdf File) to an excel in Windows CE in a C# application. Can any one please help me? Is There Any easier way then querying all the data and then parsing it to an excel sheet? ...

Auto creating tables in Word from an Excel document

Hello all. I have a set of data in Excel which is like the below (in CSV format) heading1, heading2, heading3, index A , randomdata1, randomdata2, 1 A , randomdata1, randomdata2, 2 A , randomdata1, randomdata2, 3 B , randomdata1, randomdata2, 4 C , randomdata1, randomdata2, 5 I want to be able to auto build a word document that presen...

Using a conditional statement in Microsoft Excel

I am trying to find the median of some prices whereby another column matches, ie, Prices Type of product 1 Bananas 4 Peas 9 Bananas 20 Beans 5 Bananas 90 Apples I know how to pull the median price for all of them as a group, but I need...

vba: how do i open workbook programmatically as read-only?

this is how i can open an excel file in vbA: Workbooks.Open(file-path) is there a way to specify that it should be open as read-only? the files im opening have a password on them and i always get the dialog that it can only be open as read only. ...

How to merge 3 cells content in one in excel or by using sql

I have an excel csv file that i am uploading to sql server table using sqlbulkcopy,data in excel looks like this 121 **ABCDEFG** 138.00 141 XYZ **HIJKLMN** **OPQRSTUV** So basically this 3 line make a single record in table,how should i merge these 3 line comments in one ? ...

Hidden rows in SSRS and Exporting to Excel issue

I have a report that has 3 expandable columns. I have a condition in one of the rows that says the following for the hidden property: =IIF(Parameters!GroupBy.Value = "Fleet", TRUE, FALSE) Basically this is saying that if the parameter picked is Fleet then the hidden value is set to true otherwise its set to false. It looks perfect in ...

Cell date value, wrong numeric value

I received an excel file from a client where the displayed date is different from its numeric value. Where the Australian format date "03/08/2010" = 38931 , which is wrong. It should be 40393. Its off by four years! Is it a settings in the excel file itself ? Thanks for the reply. ...

Include a picture Excel

Hello developers, I must include in a Excel-Sheet an image like *.gif. Who can help me? ...

How do i Export a DataTable to an *.xls file (excel) in C# Compact framework 3.5

i have a table in a C# compact framework 3.5 application that i need to export to an excel that will be used on a regular desktop pc. i already wrote it to an XML successfully if that helps... but i need a .xls file please help... ...

python: is there a frequency function?

in excel there is a frequency function: The Excel FREQUENCY function This useful function can analyse a series of values and summarise them into a number of specified ranges. For example the heights of some children can be grouped in to four categories of [Less than 150cm]; [151 - 160cm]; [161 - 170cm]; [More than 170cm...

excel- applying a function to the selected cells

Is it possible to select a range of cells in excel- A1:B10 and then log everything in the cells? I have too many cells to go through each and manually enter = and log in each cell. thanks ...