
Using vlookup in Excel to match a Surname and First name and output unique ref number?

I have a spreadsheet which has 3 columns Col A is a unique reference number Col B is the surname Col C is the firstname In another worksheet I want to be able to type in a surname in cell A2, a firstname in cell A3 and have cell A1 automatically populated with the unique reference number. Is this possible in Excel and if so could you ...

com excel addin: how to uninstall older version when install newer version after product name change

Env: Visual Studio 2008, Shared COM Excel Addin, RibbonX, I use Setup project created in VS 2008 .NET framework 35 SP1 product name changes say: prod name is myProd for version 1.0, prod name is myProdX for version 1.1 When I install version 1.1, I want to uninstall 1.0 first user setting is saved in a folder A in 1.0, it will be s...

How can I read data from Excel file reliably?

I'm looking for a way to read (write would be nice too - although not critical) an Excel file. I mean the 97-2003 format since MS provides OO XML toolkit for the 2007 format and I heard the toolkit is fine. What I have done so far is just used the OleDB (Microsoft Jet) which has many issues and drawbacks that it's even hard to believe...

Exceeding Max Char Limit in Excel

How do I use more than 255 characters in Excel's CONCATENATE function? I am actually also using the CONCATENATE function within the HYPERLINK function in EXCEL. An example looks like this: =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("http://www.google/com/morethan255charsmorethan255charsmorethan255charsmorethan255charsmorethan255charsmorethan255charsmoretha...

Is RExcel useful? or should I look for alternatives

Also, would it be illadvised to use RExcel for corporate work? Also, what are some advantages / disadvantages of using it? How small do files need to be for Rexcel? ...

sql server 2008: importing data from excel 2003 file

i have a very simple excel file that i need to import into a table in sql server 2008. one of the fields is a bit complex and i dont think it can be saved effectively to a csv, since it sometimes has comas and single quotes in it. it screwed up the formatting when i save to a csv. so i would like to try to import directly from the xls f...

Grails: How do I make my list a MS Excel file??

Hello: My list.gsp is divided into two, the top part is like a search filter, and the bottom part is the regular list that is provided by Grails I have a template _list.gsp in my list.gsp. And I wanna create a button to make that _list.gsp template a MS Excel file. But I want only the template to be on the Excel file. Not the rest of t...

Rounding in Excel

I want to round values to its nearest 50. For e.g. 121 should get rounded to 100 129 should get rounded to 150 178 should get rounded to 200 165 should get rounded to 150 I have tried the following functions... =FLOOR(C629,50) =FLOOR((C629+50),50) =CEILING(C631,50) But I am still not getting the results as expected. ...

One RibbonX for multiple Excel 2007 workbooks

I have an Excel 2003 VBA solution I'm converting to Excel 2007. The solution had a large collection of menus that were used between multiple workbooks. I've created RibbonX to replicate this functionality, but now I'm to the point where I want to make my Ribbon show up on all these workbooks. How do I go about this? When I switch fro...

Dynamic Graph in excel 2007

I want to graph the result of my table in excel. here is the code that I have : Sub bow() ' ' bow Macro ' ' Worksheets("Sheet3").Select tahX = Cells(3, 3).Value + 2 Xval = Offset(A1, 1, 2, 1, 1) ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Sheet3'!$12:$12,'Sheet3'!$10:$10") ActiveChart.ChartT...

Parsing excel cell. How?

We have Excel file. This file is in a cells with the name "address" containing the line, for example: The Accounts Department, National Bank Ltd, 20 Lombard Str., London 3 WRS, England Need to share information in the cell groups. That is, we must have the following cells: "country": England "city": London "street": Lombard Str. .......

Book list - getting book details from amazon using Excel VBA barcode lookups

I have a barcode reader and bunch of books. For each of the books, I want to list the book name and the author in an Excel spreadsheet. My view is that some VBA code connecting to an Amazon web service would make this easier. My questions is - hasn't anyone done this before? Could you point me to the best example. ...

generating an excel report, from DataTable with page breaks

Hi there I am trying to generate a report in excel format, I already have the PDF version working nicely but the component that i use for that helpfully deals with page breaks all by itself. the report data is grouped by location, so as each location in the underlying datatable changes, i need to throw a page break and re-render the he...

Need Help Using INDEX and MATCH with a Dynamic Named Range

Hi I have 2 ListBox's (Purchase_Select_Debtor) & (Purchase_Select_Quantity) on a Userform with a txtBox for Price (txtPrice). The Code uses Index and Match to return a result based on the Debtor and Quantity Selected. Below is my current code which works fine, but every time I add a new Debtor I have to alter the code to change the Ph...

OleDB Read Excel decimal value

I am using OleDB Ace 12 to read an Excel (xslx) sheet containing a column with decimal values. When I open the Excel sheet on my PC a decimal value is correctly formatted as 1.850,50 (NLD culture with comma as decimal separator) When I'm reading out the Excel sheet using OleDB (C#4.0), the string value of this field is always 1,850.50 (...

can you use wildcards with vlookup?

i would like to do a vlookup, but i would like it to match the SUBSET of a cell. is this possible? for example, if i am looking for "alex is smart" and the cell has "alex is smart blah blah", i want it to match on alex is smart is this possible? ...

Write to certain cells in Excel spreadsheet without using Excel?

I would like to write to an Excel spreadsheet on a server which doesn't have Excel installed. So Excel automation is not possible. I also need to write to certain cells using .NET. Is this possible and how? Can the ODBC driver be used to insert data at certain sheet cells? Without using expensive third party libraries. ...

Please help, Excel ADO OLEDB SQL Statement problem

I'm reading from an excel XLS worksheet with no header rows. Some cells in the column have a list of numbers like 12345,12346,12347,12348. Other cells only have one number 12345. The "LIKE" operator finds the number when there is multiple numbers in a cell, but doesn't find the cells where only one number exists. SQL = "SELECT * FROM [...

VBA: How to display an error message just like the standard error message which has a "Debug" button?

As usual, I create an error-handler using On Error Goto statement, there I put a few lines of cleaning codes and display the error message, but now I don't want to lose the comfortableness of the default handler which also point me to the exact line where the error has occured. How can I do that? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I use an Excel formula (no VBA) to retrieve a piece of data within an HTTP POST response?

Is there any way to craft an Excel hyperlink formula that would send an HTTP POST on click and parse the response to populate another cell? ...