
Importing Excel Sheets into MySQL with Values that relate to a separate table

Hello everyone, First up, this might be the wrong place to ask this question.. So, sincere apologies for that! I have two MySQL Tables as follows: First Table: employee_data id name address phone_no 1 Mark Some Street 647-981-1512 2 Adam Some Street 647-981-1214 3 John So...

Finding and extracting data from Excel

I'm trying to write an app that will open an excel spreadsheet find the worksheet with the correct name and iterate through the rows until I find the cell at column 0 that contains the text "Cont Date" and then read through until I find the first blank cell (column 0 as well). I'm getting hung up on how to iterate through the rows. Here...

Spread sheet Data import engine

We are developing a web application which has a requirement of importing spread sheet data of any format like excel or database table and parse into csv (with first column as heading) and re-import it into our data grid We are looking to develop it ground up (may be trying to re-invent the wheel) I would appreciate if anyone provi...

retrieve single cell value in Excel automation function with c#

i need to retrieve a single cell instead of Excel.Range in my method. using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; ... public object vReadNumber(Excel.Range targetRange) { ... Doing Something With targetRange ... } any idea? ...

Watir Excel call not working on virtual machine

I have a watir test that downloads some information from a web app to an Excel file, and I then open the file to confirm the contents. On my dev box everything works fine, but the scheduled automation runs (via Hudson) always fail attempting to open the Excel file. I have checked that the correct version of AutoITX3.dll is registered o...

Parsing Excel reference with regular expression?

Excel returns a reference of the form =Sheet1!R14C1R22C71junk ("junk" won't normally be there, but I want to be sure that there's no extraneous text.) I would like to 'split' this into a VB array, where a(0)="Sheet1" a(1)="14" a(2)="1" a(3)="22" a(4)="71" a(5)="junk" I'm sure it can be done easily with a regular expression, but I...

Error on only Azure - 'Microsoft.ACE.OleDb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

I am working with MS Excel files in my web application built in Azure environment. I never run into following error when I am trying to access the excel file on my development fabric. But once I deploy to Azure in cloud, I get this error message. The 'Microsoft.ACE.OleDb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. I was und...

Sending outlook email in VBA with a defered time wont send the next day?

What I'm attempting to do is send an email using VBA in excel though outlook but with a defered send date/time for the next day about 8:30. The code bellow, will send an email fine, it will even send one with a derfered send time even when my workstation is locked, however it seems when i set it to next day 8:30 they just stay in my outb...

Disable Excel Security Dialogs when using DsoFramer

I'm using the old DsoFramer control to embedded an instance of Excel in a form of mine. This has been working fine with Excel 2000, 2003 and 2007. Come 2010 however I think its behaving slightly differently. I now get a prompt about macros, which then blocks my UI until the user shifts focus to the excel instance in the background and c...

Adding Excel Spreadsheet to SQL Database

How can I import an excel file into my SQL database? I have two options, MSSQL or MySQL. Thank you ...

Excel to XML for data stripping

I am trying to strip data from thousands of identical Excel 2007/2010 files. I would prefer to do this using scraping techniques. Is it possible to scrape an Excel file since, as far as I know, the file is basically some sort of XML format. So, is it possible to convert an Excel file to XML or some other markup format? ...

Can I extract Tables from PDF using Perl?

I need to extract table objects from PDF documents preferably programmatically using Perl. I am able to cut and paste to Excel, but the table would require quite a bit of manual editing once the data is imported into Excel. I've done some search, but so far it seems though most forums suggest that most APIs are very primitive. ...

open source java package for excel report preparation

Hi , I need a Java package that reads a master excel sheet which contains some data like user name who has given money to organize an event and amount that he has given also the date . Now I need to prepare report based on this master excel sheet Please suggest some well known open source packages ...

Editing Excel spreadsheats from Word with VBA

How do I edit excel spreadsheets from word using VBA? ...

Control Excel dialogs with Python?

Using Python and Pythonwin, how do i get python to answer true or yes to dialogs boxes. xl = Dispatch("Excel.Application") xl.Visible = 1 xl.Workbooks.Open("C:\pyVBA.xls", True, True) xl.Run("pyVBA.xls!Macro1") If pyVBA has macro1 has a yesno dialog box (which is fine if visible = 1, but not if visible is = 0), how do...

Problem with data reader

string Path = TextBox3.Text; // initialize the Excel Application class Excel.ApplicationClass app = new ApplicationClass(); // create the workbook object by opening the excel file. Excel.Workbook workBook = app.Workbooks.Open(Path, 0, ...

Problem using SUM(If( Rather than SumIf(

I have written a Formula in Excel that Sums up Items in 1 Column (Text) the Column is a Dynamic Named Range (Invoice_list_Item) the Formula sets a Value (Of my Choice) based on each Item in the Range and Sums those Values, I am now using a Userform where I would like to Display that Equation rather than in the workbook itself, so my prob...

Excel RTD COM server - Cannot cast UpdateEvent (class) to IRTDUpdateEvent (interface)

Hello All This issue is related to a blog post by Kenny Kerr on "Excel RTD Servers: C# Interfaces", which can be found here, that should allow you to build an Excel RTD server without including a reference to any specific Excel type library; having to include a reference makes your RTD server Excel version specific (forwards compatible,...

How to a convert a date to a number and back again in MATLAB

I have the date 1/11/2010 and use the function = date(year(A1),month(A1),day(A1)) to convert the date to the number to 40189 with Excel. Can I use MATLAB to convert the number 40189 back to the date again? ...

VBA ADODB excel - read data from Recordset

Hope you can help me, I would like to read data from excel file, and the way I was doing was creating instance of Excel application in backgroud, but than I am prompted about VBA macros - disable or enable it. I have 100 of excel files that I need collect data from, so if I would be prompted every single file, i would end up with reall...