
Modify Emdeded String in C# compiled exe

I have an issue where I need to be able to have a compiled exe ( .net 3.5 c# ) that I will make copies of to distribute that will need to change a key for example before the exe is sent out. I cannot compile each time a new exe is needed. This is a thin client that will be used as part of a registration process. Is it possible to a...

How to Make a exe files with Delphi?

Hi friends. I want to make a "Setup Maker" App with Delphi. How can I create a exe files? for example : Delphi Itself Compiler. Tanks to All. ....NiliDelphi.... ...

wrap py2exe in its own executable

Hi, Is it possible to generate a .exe of py2exe's functionality, such that I can create python .exe files without running python? Seems like circular logic that is unlikely to work, but would be handy otherwise. ...

Where should I store an executable program in Windows?

I have a little utility that I need to use, and I'm not sure where to have users save it in windows. I want to know what is the Windows directory equivalent of /usr/bin ? -mcpeterson ...

What languages allow cross-platform native executables to be created?

I'm frustrated to discover that Java lacks an acceptable solution for creating programs that will run via double-click. Other than .NET for Windows, what modern and high-level programming languages can I write code in that can be compiled for various platforms and run as a native/binary in each (Windows, Linux, OSX (optional)) Assuming...

setting mvc wildcard fix in iis 5.1 through batch commands

http://www.ee99ee.com/blog/2009/02/08/how-to-get-aspnet-mvc-working-under-iis-51-on-windows-xp/ Can the following be put into batch commands? If not, is there an alternative where the configuration can be set through an executable without the user having to configure through IIS? ...

How can I wrap an executable on UNIX (SunOS) so that it is never run more than once at the same time?

I have an executable (no source) that I need to wrap, to make sure that it is not called more than once at a time. I immediately think of some sort of queue wrapper, but how do I actually make it so that my wrapper is called instead of the executable itself? Is there a better way to do this? The solution needs to be invisible because the...

How determine application subsystem from executable file

I'm trying to detect console application from the list of the executables files installed on my computer. How to implement it? Every application has a "subsystem" (windows application, console application or library; specified to the linker as option, I think). How to detect it using only the executable file? Are there alternative met...

How to compile a .cpp file into a Windows executable (.exe) file in Linux

I make this program in C++ using Code::Blocks on Ubuntu. I need to turn it into a Windows executable binary (.exe file), but I don't know how to do this. Is it possible? ...

Doubts in executable and relocatable object file

Hello, I have written a simple Hello World program. #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World"); return 0; } I wanted to understand how the relocatable object file and executable file look like. The object file corresponding to the main function is 0000000000000000 <main>: 0: 55 ...

How to get information about a Windows executable (.exe) using C++

Hi, I have to create a software that will scan several directories and extracts information about the executables found. I need to do two things: Determine if a given file is an executable (.exe, .dll, and so on) - Checking the extension is probably not good enough. Get the information about this executable (the company name, the pro...

Doubt regarding executable files in linux

I have a program written in C, which is named computeWeight.c and to compile it i use the following code chaitu@ubuntu:~$ gcc -Wall -o computeWeight computeWeight.c //to execute it: chaitu@ubuntu:~$ ./computeWeight Do i have any mechansim where i can directly use as mentioned below, chaitu@ubuntu:~$ computeWeight Should i be changi...

How to create a working Executable file (.exe) from a C code

Hello there, I have a C code created in Plato3. I want to create an exe file so I can share it with others. Can someone please tell me how is this possible ? I have tried sending the exe file that is created when normally compiled, but it crashes every time in runs on computers other than mine ... Please help, Thanks :) [EDIT] Progr...

How to pack python files and its dependencies in a single executable file?

I've got a piece of software which consists of several python sources and a couple of c++ libraries. I'd like to pack them in a executable single file, just like java does with .jar files. Is there a way to do that? ...

How to set the runtime of JiST/SWANS within eclipse

Hello StackOverFlowians This is my first post on the forum, hope all of you guys are well. I've got a issue using JiST/SWANS, the ad hoc simulator in java within eclipse. I managed to load the API, (as an external JAR ofcourse) but Im basically having a problem integrating the runtime of JiST within eclipse. After running the hello w...

How do I make a hyperlink to a local executable?

We have an Intranet website, and a WPF windows executable installed on every workstation. How can we create a hyperlink on the intranet website that will launch the locally installed executable? Ideally we want the launch to be seamless. Is there a way of setting the browsers trust settings so that it won't display a security warning d...

How do I run an executable using Lua?

I have an executable I want to run using Lua ... how do I do this? Can't seem to find any documentation anywhere about this. ...

Error running java -jar command

Hi all, I created a jar file using the following ANT script <manifestclasspath property="jar.classpath" jarfile="${bin.dir}/${jar.app.name}" maxparentlevels="0"> <classpath refid="main.class.path" /> </manifestclasspath> <target name="jar"> <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/lib/isp"/> <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/lib/jasper"/> <cop...

How to make executable version of software in Android?

I am almost done with my project in android, now I want to make the executable version of the application. I need to demonstrate it in .exe form as soft app as on emulator, not by built and debug process from eclipse. ...

Creating secure .exe files in C#

Hi, I have heard some mutterings about C# being quite easy to "crack" and/or reverse engineer. Is this the case and if so, how can I go about preventing this, if possible ? Or at least making it more difficult ? Thanks, George. ...