
automatically append executable line to script files

My hosting company requires me to put #!/usr/local/bin/ruby at the top of every RB file. Is there an easy way to use sed recursively or something that can go through and append this to the top of every rb file? ...

Does exist any utility to know the size of a compiled function in an executable?

I want a report showing me the size of diferent symbols(compiled) in the executable. Something like .map files in Delphi, but generic if possible. nm from binutils, shows start address(?), maybe could i use that information? (I'm using object pascal + freepascal compiler) ...

creating an executable file without a compiler

I came across an article a long while ago on how to write out a .com file directly without using any external tools. the method was to basically copy con myfile.com and then hit ctrl+alt+number for each instruction. I've lost the url for the guide... Google isn't helping much either. If you have the link, please could you post it. ...

64-Bit binary execution error on 64-Bit Centos

While executing one of my C++ Application, I am getting a weird message on one of my Cento x64 box where at the same time another machine with similar configuration is perfectly running the Application. Error message is: /myapp: error while loading shared libraries: /myapp: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 N.B: 'myapp' is not some shared ...

Execute external program from C# code

How can I execute an external program like an exe file? I want to get a list of installed programs, and then execute them on selection. If you are wondering why I need this, I am updating a scheduler application to provide a feature so that users can open a program on notification. For example, the notification would say, "... starts in ...

Multiple absolute paths in PHP exec()

I am trying to an execute a program in PHP on Windows with multiple arguments and absolute paths using a method like this: <?php $FLACPATH = str_replace(" ","\ ",realpath("../../encoders/flac.exe")); $LAMEPATH = realpath("../../encoders/lame.exe"); $FILEPATH = realpath("../../encoders/01.flac"); function my_exec($cmd, $input='') { ...

How do CGIs and Servlets execute differently?

My understanding is that a CGI spawns a separate executable process on the server each time but that a Servlet does not do that - but I'm not sure how to describe what happens with a servlet by comparison. Since the servlet exists inside the JVM and the JVM is a single process, where does the Servlet exist in relation to it? ...

Is there a way to control a third party exe from vb.net?

My goal is to control an application from VB.Net. There is no API, and I do not have the source, only the compiled exe. Is there a way to find the opened application, find a button within the application, click a button and know it was clicked? Is there a way to read the contents of a textbox within the application? ...

Get paths of all applications in the registry

string registryKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"; using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryKey)) { (from a in key.GetSubKeyNames() let r = key.OpenSubKey(a) select new { A...

Set an exe icon for my program

Hello! I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and I'm trying to set an exe icon for my program. I've searched this site and found this: htp://stackoverflow.com/questions/320677/how-do-i-set-the-icon-for-my-application-in-visual-studio-2008 But I cant find this "Resource View". Looked everywhere in MVS08 Please help! http://i46.tinyp...

Calling an executable from within Python / Django web application running on IIS

Hi all, I have a Python / Django application which is supposed to call an external windows binary and get its output at some point. And it does so when tested via 'python manage.py shell'. But when it is run from within the web browser, which is served by IIS, the external application is not executed. Is IIS blocking something on the...

Java: separating JAR versions

I'm developing a Java plugin for an existing Java program. The existing program uses a specific version of eclipse.uml2.* and my plugin does too. Unfortunately I need a newer version for my plugin. In order to run the plugin, I need to export it into a Jar file (with all jars packed). Then the program executes it. But somehow the new ec...

Visual C++ 9 compiler options to make the program run faster

I have built an open-source application from the source code. Unfortunately, the original executable runs significantly faster. I tried to enable few compiler optimizations, but the result wasn't satisfactory enough. What else do I need to make in Visual Studio 2008 to increase the executable performance? Thanks! ...

Executable war file that starts jetty without maven

I'm trying to make an "executable" war file (java -jar myWarFile.war) that will start up a jetty webserver that hosts the webapp contained in the war file I executed. I found a page that described how to make what I'm looking for: http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2009/10/02/executable-wars-with-jetty/ however, following that advice alon...

How to allocate an executable page in a Linux kernel module?

I'm writing a Linux kernel module, and I'd like to allocate an executable page. Plain kmalloc returns a pointer within a non-executable page, and I get a kernel panic when executing code there. It has to work on Ubuntu Karmic x86, 2.6.31-20-generic-pae. ...

how to turn visual studio windows forms project into an application?

Hey everyone, I programmed an hour-sheet application and now I would like to publish it so people can install and run it. I've tried the publish function of visual studio 2008 but this gives me a clickOnce application/installer that's really confusing, but it works when I run it, but when I export the installer to another pc it install...

How to make a call to an executable from Python script?

I need to execute this script from my Python script. Is it possible? The script generate some outputs with some files being written. How do I access these files? I have tried with subprocess call function but without success. fx@fx-ubuntu:~/Documents/projects/foo$ bin/bar -c somefile.xml -d text.txt -r aString -f anotherString >output ...

How to make svn:executable to also set the executable flag for the group?

SVN uses the svn:executable property to set the executable flag upon checkout or update. This just happens for the user permissions. How can I get SVN to also set the executable flag for the group? ...

Why aren't EXE's in binary?

Why is it that if you open up an EXE in a hex editor, you will see all sorts of things. If computers only understand binary then shouldn't there only be 2 possible symbols seen in the file? Thanks ...

Looping an executable to get the result from Python script

In my python script, I need to call within a for loop an executable, and waiting for that executable to write the result on the "output.xml". How do I manage to use wait() & how do I know when one of my executable is finished generating the result to get the result? How do I close that process and open a new one to call again the execut...