
Time-consuming XSLT without hanging the browser?

(N.B.: Yes, this is a ridiculous question, and I will be entirely unsurprised if the answer to this question is "no". That said:) I've written an XSLT stylesheet which deliberately performs a lengthy, unparallelizable computation on an XML fragment. It's intended as a component of a proof-of-work system to be used in a web browser as a ...

creating an executable file without a compiler

I came across an article a long while ago on how to write out a .com file directly without using any external tools. the method was to basically copy con and then hit ctrl+alt+number for each instruction. I've lost the url for the guide... Google isn't helping much either. If you have the link, please could you post it. ...

Makeing a Proxy connection (both client / server behint NAT)

Hello, I want to get a PROXY Server getting to run behind NAT. (Ok I can configure the Port forwarding in the router, but I want it instantly!). So lets say A wants use Bs running proxy server. A / B are behind a router with NAT. So what now? A calls up the Server S to let him know that he wants a Proxy connection to B while B did alrea...