
Programming / Tech Documentaries

Aside from, are there any (relatively recent) good documentaries of a tech nature, such as about programming, tech start-ups, notable people in the industry, etc. ...

What is your best list of 'must have' development tools?

I recently burned up my development laptop (it literally emitted smoke from the vents). After pulling the hd I was unable to get it to spin with a USB device attached to a home tower. Since I was on a deadline I had to rush and buy a new laptop (Turion 64 x2) running Vista. After I installed my required applications VS2005/2008, Sql Ser...

Geeky (desk) accessory

What geeky accessory do you have (on your desk)? What do you think every programmer has to have? e.g. VI Mousepad USB Laser Guided Missile Launcher (for customers asking dumb questions) Edit: Where can one get your accessory? Edit2: Renamed the question, to fit for all geek accessory, so you can suggest something like my "Favo...

creating an executable file without a compiler

I came across an article a long while ago on how to write out a .com file directly without using any external tools. the method was to basically copy con and then hit ctrl+alt+number for each instruction. I've lost the url for the guide... Google isn't helping much either. If you have the link, please could you post it. ...