
Geeky (desk) accessory

What geeky accessory do you have (on your desk)? What do you think every programmer has to have? e.g. VI Mousepad USB Laser Guided Missile Launcher (for customers asking dumb questions) Edit: Where can one get your accessory? Edit2: Renamed the question, to fit for all geek accessory, so you can suggest something like my "Favo...

Best way to change the color/view of disclosure indicator accessory view in a table view cell in iPhone

I need to change the color of disclosureIndicatorView accessory in the tableView cell. I think there are two way to get this done. But not able to figure out which onez the optimum. So here is what I think I can do. There is a property of tableViewCell - accessoryView. So I can use setAccessoryView:(UIView *)view and pass view as the im...

iphone uitableview - action on accessory click

hi all. I am trying to link the click of an accessory button in a UItableview to a method in a particular class. The accessory is on multiple cells, created in code, and thus I can't just do a simple link in interface builder like I am used to. How do I link an accessory arrow (from the end of a cell in a uitableview) to a method? Re...

iphone objective-c interesting problem with accessory and setEditing

hi guys In my DetailViewController i have the code UPDATED x2 This is my setEditing - (void)setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animated { [super setEditing:editing animated:animated]; [tableView setEditing:editing animated:YES]; //this line was added to force editing Mode .... In my detailViewController I want to send ...

Moving the UITableView AccessoryView

I have a UIView which contains a UITableView. I customized the cells of the UITableview to display the cells as individual boxes which are a little thinner than the width of the table. One problem is that when I set the Accessory type of the table to UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton, the arrow overlaps the right edge of t...

UITableViewCell Custom accessory - get the row of accessory

Hi. I have a pretty big issue. I am trying to create a favorite-button on every UITableViewCell in a UITableView. That works very good, and I currently have an action and selector performed when pressed. accessory = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; [accessory setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"star.png"] forState:UIControlStat...

Can android bluetooth accessories force the device to launch an application?

I am wondering if a piece of hardware can be developed (probably over bluetooth for example) that could launch an existing android application on your device. I can't seem to find any documentation on this kind of functionality. Has anybody come across this? ...

Debugging an iOS app with an external accessory connected via Dock

Am I missing something glaringly obvious or is there no way to debug an iOS app which uses an external accessory that's connected via the 30-pin dock without using a bucket load of logs etc. I want to be able to use things such as breakpoints and Instruments. Is there a way to remote debug perhaps, over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth? Note: Yes, I ...

In wich way can i debug "accessoryDidDisconnect" notification if unplug the external device?(EAAccesory Framework))

Hi, i'm starting with EAAccessory framework and i don't know in wich way can i debug this method if unplug the external device: - (void)_accessoryDidDisconnect:(NSNotification *)notification Obvisouly xcode gave me an error for the disconnection of the iPhone and i can't enter in the method. Thanks ...