I need to change the color of disclosureIndicatorView accessory in the tableView cell. I think there are two way to get this done. But not able to figure out which onez the optimum. So here is what I think I can do.
There is a property of tableViewCell - accessoryView. So I can use setAccessoryView:(UIView *)view and pass view as the imageView holding the image that I want.
I have written a utility class which creates the content view (stuff like bg color, adding other stuffs etc) for my cell and I add this content view to the cell in tableView delegate. The other option is to draw a UIImage overriding the drawRect method of CustomContentView utility class.
Performing option 1 - I can get the things done the apple way. Just give them the view and they do the rest. But I guess adding a new UIView object to every row might turn out to be a heavy obj allocation and decreasing the frame rate. As compared to just a UIImage object in my contentView. I believe UIImage is lighter than UIView.
Please throw some light people and help me decide over it.