
ASP.Net MVC Loading In Progress Indicator

I have an MVC Controller that runs through a process, sets some View Data, and then returns the results of this data back to the user in a View. The process time is dependent on the amount of data that is being processed. I need a good way to display an animated .gif within the View while the process is running, letting the user know t...

How to use activity indicator view on iPhone?

An activity indicator view is useful in many applications. Any ideas about how to add, activiate and dismiss an activity indicator view on iPhone? All the methods for this are welcomed here. ...

jQuery sortable - how to add a sort indicator?

I've successfully implemented the jQuery sortable() plugin but want to enhance it with a sort indicator. This would be a vertical bar in between the items where the draggable can be dropped. See the image below for an example. Can this easily be achieved with the sortable() plugin? ...

connecting an UIActivityIndicator to a UIButton

New to all this Xcode stuff - I have a few UIButton's that links to movie & music files from my web site - they works fine, it's just that there's some lag time while it's loading the MoviePlayer where it seems as if nothing's happening. I would like to set up an UIActivityIndicator - I can't sem to find a simple way to do it. And if...

'Loading circle' or 'busy label' for Swing?

I've used this 'LoadingCircle' project in .net applications. Is there an equivalent component that provides a loading circle for Swing? Are there any other loading indicators available for Swing. ...

What are the indicator functions and constraints for complex grid drawing problems?

If you're looking at an array of pixels, in either 0,1,2,3, or even N dimensions, it's easy to tell if a certain pixel falls on a square or rectangular grid line within it by using an indicator function like so (I'll use imperative pseudocode to make what I'm talking about clear but I'm really only interested in the constraints and the c...

iphone - table Cell color doesnt apply behind disclosure indicator.

I have a table view that has alternate colors as background color for cells. In addition to that i have added a disclosure indicator accessory. However, the problem is that the cell background color doesnt seem to apply to the area 'behind' the disclosure indicator. The cell background color seems to truncate before the disclosure indica...

jQuery ui sortable loading indicator

Hello. I'm using this code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#test-list").sortable({ handle : '.handle', update : function () { var order = $('#test-list').sortable('serialize'); $("#info").load("process-sortable.php?"+order); }, }); }); I want a loading indicator (GIF animation if possible) to s...

Best way to change the color/view of disclosure indicator accessory view in a table view cell in iPhone

I need to change the color of disclosureIndicatorView accessory in the tableView cell. I think there are two way to get this done. But not able to figure out which onez the optimum. So here is what I think I can do. There is a property of tableViewCell - accessoryView. So I can use setAccessoryView:(UIView *)view and pass view as the im...

PHP + Ajax Progress Indicator?

I'm coding something in PHP, I'm just using Ajax for the styling. basically I am creating a form of searching for something on a site that isn't mine. I'm not sure if the steps I'm using is going to take long or if it will be instant, but in any case I would love a step/progress indicator. Is there a tutorial or link someone can give me ...

javascript based progress bar

Hello, I am curious how can a javascript (or also benefiting from jquery) based progress indicator such can be developed: My first idea is something such as: function drawBar(total,sofar){ ......................... } where it consumes the max number(20 in our case) and sofar (15 for the picture). But how can it be implemented? I...

Emacs :TODO indicator at left side

I want to have sort of indiacator at left side of the line wherever I have in the source code #TODO: some comment //TODO: some comments The indicator could be a just mark and I already enabled line numbers displayed at emacs. ...

What's considered the best table sorting indicator?

I've got a 'classic' table which has table heads with field names in it: There are a lot of ways to display an sorting indicator in a table: Upwards and downwards triangles after the active field name Making field names of the active field bold/underlined Change the color of the active field What's considered the best method to in...

IPhone - Show Wait Indicator

Hi. What I try to do: If a user is pressing a button, a new view controller is being loaded and pushed to the navigation Controller. The new view controller is doing some hard database querying in it's ViedDidLoad Method which causes some seconds to get the view loaded. I'm trying to show a wait indicator before the view is starting t...

UIScrollView: Activity Indicator while loading image from url.

Hi, I need and Activity indicator spinning in a modal Modal view that has an UIScrollView while the content of the ScrollView(image from url) is loading. Any ideas of how to get this done? As a plus I need to know how to tell the ScrollView to behaves like the Photos Iphone Native App, I mean, load an image, adjust it to fit the scree...

Iphone Custom Scrollview indicator

I am currently working on an application for a client, and they have made an odd request. The request involves putting a custom image as the indicator for the scrollview. I am not even sure if this is possible but if it is can you please let me know how one would go about doing that. Thanks ...

How to use length indicator in a C++ program

I want to make a program in C++ that reads a file where each field will have a number before it that indicates how long it is. The problem is I read every record in object of a class; how do I make the attributes of the class dynamic? For example if the field is "john" it will read it in a 4 char array. I don't want to make an array o...

what is the wrong with this code"length indicator implementation" ?

Hello, this is an implementation of length indicator field but it hang and i think stuck at a loop and don't show any thing. // readx22.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "fstream" #include "stdio.h" using namespace std; class Student { public: string id; ...

ajaxStart() showing loading message doesn't seem to work....

I user jquery.ajax call to controller of mvc... I would like to show a loading indicator.. I tried this but that doesn't seem to work... <div class="loading" style="padding-left:5px; margin-bottom:5px;display:none;"> Loading...&nbsp </div> and my jquery ajax call looks like this, function getMaterials(currentPage) { ...

How set accessory type when tabel view is enbled to editing?

Hi Guys, I am using the UITableView properties to edit it. theTableView.editing = YES; theTableView.allowsSelectionDuringEditing = YES; It is working fine, the row is selected and I am getting into the next controller but I need to display the the accessoryType in the row. I am using below line for that but even though it is not worki...