
What is test1, test2 and test3 in case of STUN ?

Hello, I didn't understood importance of three tests in case of STUN ? STUN server is used for knowing external port and ip address so why three requests? Thanks ...

STUN, TURN, ICE library for Java.

I need to establish a P2P UDP and TCP Connection between two Users. Both of them are behind a NAT. A little research leads me to STUN, TURN and ICE. Is there any Java solution (library) except jSTUN which seems to work only on UDP. And TURN, ICE is much better for the symmetric NAT Problem. ...

UDP malformed packets

I use C# program for client UDP application. Application listens for a connection, and then communicates. Socket udpClient = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); udpClient.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ListenPort)); udpClient.Blocking = true; int count = 0; while (count == 0) udpClient.Recei...

Makeing a Proxy connection (both client / server behint NAT)

Hello, I want to get a PROXY Server getting to run behind NAT. (Ok I can configure the Port forwarding in the router, but I want it instantly!). So lets say A wants use Bs running proxy server. A / B are behind a router with NAT. So what now? A calls up the Server S to let him know that he wants a Proxy connection to B while B did alrea...