
Has anybody compared WCF and ZeroC ICE?

ZeroC's ICE ( looks interesting and I am interested in looking at it and comparing it to our existing software that uses WCF. In particular, our WCF app uses server callbacks (via HTTP). Anybody who's compared them? How did it go? I'm particularly interested in the performance aspect, since interoperability isn't much of a...

Any experiences with C# and ZeroC ICE I hear it's much better at cross platform interop and with performance. ...

How is something like Zircon Zircomp different from ZeroC Ice?

Is there anyone that's currently using Zircon Zircomp? How is their technology different from something like ZeroC ICE? Are they trying to solve the same problem domain? How's their target audience different? Additional question: if I could choose between Ice and CORBA, should I go with Ice based on your experience? ...

Keep alive using SIP in .net

I am creating an application where I need to implement SIP protocol in .NET. We have Client-Server setup where client keeps on sending keep alive message to server. We can only use SIP protocol or any other protocol which is support with ICE. Could some one help me in implementing this. I don't have much idea about these protocols but I...

Ice grid plugin for maven

Does anyone know if there is an Ice grid plugin for Maven2? Currently I will have to call an Ant task from Maven as follows: ...

Django, how to generate an admin panel without models?

Hi, I'm building a rather large project, that basically consists of this: Server 1: Ice based services. Glacier2 for session handling. Firewall allowing access to Glacier2. Server 2: Web interface (read, public) for Ice services via Glacier2. Admin interface for Ice services via Glacier 2. The point I'm concerned with is the...

STUN, TURN, ICE library for Java.

I need to establish a P2P UDP and TCP Connection between two Users. Both of them are behind a NAT. A little research leads me to STUN, TURN and ICE. Is there any Java solution (library) except jSTUN which seems to work only on UDP. And TURN, ICE is much better for the symmetric NAT Problem. ...

How to use pthread_atfork() and pthread_once() to reinitialize mutexes in child processes

We have a C++ shared library that uses ZeroC's Ice library for RPC and unless we shut down Ice's runtime, we've observed child processes hanging on random mutexes. The Ice runtime starts threads, has many internal mutexes and keeps open file descriptors to servers. Additionally, we have a few of mutexes of our own to protect our intern...

Using ZeroC Middleware

I'm currently looking at various middleware solutions that will allow me to create applications in a variety of languages which are able to communicate amongst each other. The ZeroC product suite seems ideal as it provides a language agnostic way of defining data and the services that operate on the data (via its ICE idl) and provides s...

ZeroC Ice "checked casts" in Scala

ZeroC Ice for Java translates every Slice interface Simple into (among other things) a proxy interface SimplePrx and a proxy SimplePrxHelper. If I have an ObjectPrx (the base interface for all proxies), I can check whether it actually has interface Simple by using a static method on SimplePrxHelper: val obj : Ice.ObjectPrx = ...; ...