
ASP.net 2.0 Gridview with Expanding Panel Rows -- How to build Panel "on the fly"

I'm currently building a Gridview that has expandable rows. Each row contains a dynamically created Panel of Form elements. Right now, I have a javascript function that expands (or in my case, makes visible) the panel when an Image is clicked on the Gridview row. My question is... is there a more efficient way of doing this. Instead of ...

Transparent and expandable wrapper div, how?

I made an image to easier explain what Im after: Ive read some other questions on the subject but Im not sure the solutions will work for me because my div needs to be expandable and grow as more content is added. Does anyone know how to accomplish this in a simple way? ...

How to create separator in android ExpandableListView?

Anyone has an idea? I tried to add extra groupviews with different style and with no children, but i don't know how to make it unselectable and unclickable... and i don't know how to get rid of the arrow icon on the left side... Tnx for answers! ...

C# PropertyGrid: Create Expandable item when value is null

I have class (ClassA) with some public properties. One of the properties (ClassBValue) is of a class type (ClassB) which has some public properties, too. Now I want to show ClassA objects in a PropertyGrid. I use the [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] Attribute for the ClassB property of ClassA. The problem is, that...

Android Expandable lists having multiple child items in a single row and their onClick event

I could not figure out how to implement two basic functionalities with the expandable lists: 1. The onClick for the child 2. Using linear layout for the children, so that I can have multiple clickable items in same row under the parent item Can somebody help me with some sample code for the above? ...

ExpandableLists - nullpointer exception When array contains a null value

Hello Gurus, I am using a simple expandable list that is populated by two arrays ( group array for the groups and a multi dimensional children array for the child). The arrays are built dynamically in the program and some group items have more children than others. So I end up defining the highest number as the array size for the multid...

CSS - auto width floated element (expandable float).

Hi, I have two floated collumns side by side. The user can hide/collapse one of that collumns. In that case I want the other collumn to expand to fit the entire container. Is this possible with CSS? In resume, it's possible to make a float to expand to the size of it's container? Even if the element is floated, if it has width:auto i...

asp.net expandable image

I have an image which is too big so by default I want it to be hidden and instead, display something like a "+" sign on the page. toggle that sign will show/hide the image. Which component in asp.net can achieve this? I did not find anything in the VS 2010 Toolbox. ...