
will session expire in my scenario?

Hello everyone, I am designing a top level page which is designed by implementing a frameset. In one frame of the frameset, I will invoke JavaScript to refresh the page to post to some URL regularly (every 10 minutes). In the other frame of the frameset, I will let user do the major work -- let end user enter input for a time-consuming ...

how to set session never expire in ASP

Hello everyone, I am using ASP classic (1.1) with IIS 6.0. Is there any options to set session never expire? thanks in advance, George ...

expiry date using utc timestamp, mysql and php?

How do you add time or days to a current utc_timestamp? I am using; new CDbExpression('UTC_TIMESTAMP()') for both 'created' and 'updated' fields in my mysql table but would like to add an 'expiry' field which would allow 4 days from creation date. I presume this is possible but am unsure how. Thanks ...

How can I mark an RSS item "expired"?

I'm working on a (web page / RSS feed / form in a winapp) to show current system status and recent updates. I'd like to know when an open issue is resolved, so that it can be drawn with strike through. This will let the users know the issue is resolved, but keep it on the list. I know it would be easier to remove it, but I want the ...

how to compare the two date

hi , I have a mysql database with a php front end. In my records I have an posted date and an expire date directle access from database. What I need to do is check and see if any records expire date matches posted date, Something like: <?php $posted_date= $row_Recordset1['date_posted']; ?> <?php $exp_date= $row_Recordset1['expire_dat...

How to expire a cookie in 30 minutes using jQuery?

How to Expire a Cookie in 30 min ? I am using a jquery cookie. I am able to do something like this. $.cookie("example", "foo", { expires: 1 }); This is for 1 day. But how can we set expiry time to 30 min. Please help. Thank you. ...

Implementation for query caching

I need to implement cache for SQL queries. Say we have "SELECT id,aa,bb FROM table1 WHERE aa>1 and bb=12;" -- we want it to be cached. Also, it may be "SELECT id,aa,bb FROM table1 WHERE aa>25 and bb=11;" And can be "SELECT id,aa,bb FROM table2;" of course. Not a big deal -- what really is a question is how to expire cache values better...

Google Apps Engine: Memcache/JCache only works during the expire time

I am using jsr107 JCache in Google Apps Engine to save website data. My code looks like: public static String read(String link, boolean UTF8) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(link); String cached = CacheLogic.instance().get(link); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cached)) { return cached; } // Here i save the...

ASP.Net C# expire page

How can I set an ASP.Net web page to expire so that if the user clicks the submit button, he/she will get a page expired error if the browser's back button is pushed to try to go back and press submit again? ...

[PHP] run query after session expire

Hi all, i need a php code that will run a query after a specific session is going to expire, if(!isset($_SESSION['test'])) query; something like that but does work with session expire, Thanks ...

memcached never expired in rails?

It's very strange that the session will never expire if i use memcached store even i set config.action_controller.session :session_expires => 1.seconds.from_now And I use extended_fragment_cache to cache fragment, I meet the same problem <% Cache "my_page", {:expires => 1.minutes} do ... %> never expired! Anyone know where's the pro...

How can I 'expire' a change password unique code in a database record?

Hi, I want to implement a forgot password function in my java web application. I want to implement it like this: User enters their account email address and presses 'forgot password' button App generates a unique code of characters and numbers and sends a link with that as a parameter to the user's email address User clicks the link a...

Expire models in Rails

I'm creating a simple paste-bin in Ruby on Rails, which will have an expire-feature. With this, people can select a date when the paste will be deleted automatically. How can I implement this? I was thinking of a cronjob, but maybe there is a more platform-independent way, by defining this in the model itself. Can anyone help me? Thanks....

Postback when session Expires in Ajax call

On one of my pages I have a div that uses ajax to load content asyncrohnously. When a session expires the user is supposed to be redirected back to the loggin screen. However, when the session expires and the ajax call is triggered the login page gets put inside the div. What I want is for the user to be redirected back to the login scre...

Admin terminating a user session

Hi, In our project, we have a situation where the administrator needs to 'force log off' a particular user under certain conditions. In other words, the admin user needs to have the ability to kill any other user's session. Is this possible? By using the session properties, we can kill the current session (the current user's session) b...

How can I override the DevExpress GridView delete

I've got a table (myTable) that I want to remove rows from but not delete them. I'm expiring them by using an myTable.ActiveFlag. So when I "delete" a row from myTable, I'd like to run UPDATE myTable SET ActiveFlag = 0 WHERE id = @rowId What is the best way to do this using a DevExpress Gridcontrol with GridView? I've currently: Priva...

Session expire issue after deploying in virtual server

Hi, I have asp.net app which works fine with visual studio and also local IIS server deployment witout any issue with its session. but after deploying the code to server virtual server (IIS 6, windows 2003) it dosent work properly. Session gets null in subsequent requests and after few navigations in the site, and this issue is only oc...

'Session expires' error in oauth for twitter

I am using abraham williams library to update twitter status using oauth. But I am constantly getting 'session expired' error. How can I get around this. This is my source. connect.php <?php session_start(); require_once 'twitteroauth/TwitterOAuth.php'; define("CONSUMER_KEY", "--------------------"); define("CONSUMER_SECRET", "--------...

Can a Flash SharedObejct expire per session?

I'm trying to display certain content per session, but the site has the same Flash embedded in the different sections of the site, so I can't set it on the site's Model or a Global Variable. I also can't use PHP or JS. ...

Setting content expiration on all pages to avoid back button in ASP Classic

Is there a way to set pages to expire in ASP Classic so that the user can't hit back and re-do anything? Is this a good practice? ...