
Improve creating excel sheet speed ( programatically)

I need to generate some kind of reports in excel via web system. My current code is as follow (simplified): //[javascript inside .aspx page] ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Sheet"); ExcelSheet.Windows(1).WindowState = 2; ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = false; for (i=1; i< [ele...

exception when exporting to excel from grid

System.OverflowException: Not a legal OleAut date. at System.DateTime.TicksToOADate(Int64 value) I am getting this exception when i click an integrated export to excel button on my grid ...

Direct downloading a xls file without writing it to the directory by Spreadsheet gem

I am using this Spreadsheet gem to export xls file. I have the following codes in my controller: def export @data = Data.all book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet = book.create_worksheet :name => "data" contruct_body(sheet, @data) book.write "data.xls" end In this way, I can fill in the data and save it in the root dire...

How to export Master/Detail data to Excel?

How can export Master/Detail data to Excel in C#? I wont to have some think like these without the dropdownlist: http://blogs.msdn.com/blogfiles/excel/WindowsLiveWriter/CreatingaMasterDetailViewinExcel_12A09/image_thumb_5.png How these can be done??? ...