
Export to Excel from ASP.NET produces files unreadable with Excel Viewer

Hi, I want to output some dynamic data from an ASP.NET website to Excel. I found that the easiest way which does not require to use Excel XML or to install Excel on server machine is to output data as a table and specify application/vnd.ms-excel type. The problem is when I do so and try to open the file in Excel Viewer, I receive the f...

Crystal report export to Excel with wrong page size

I have designed the report in A4 size, When I export to PDF, the size fit well. However, when I export the report to Excel 2000/2003, the report cannot fit in a page. Could anyone tell me how to fix it ? Thanks ...

Export with VB to Excel and update file

Hello. This is the code that i have to export data to Excel. Dim oExcel As Object Dim oBook As Object Dim oSheet As Object oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(1) oSheet.Range("A1").Value = "ID" oSheet.Range("B1").Value = " Nome" oSheet.Range("A1:B1").Font.Bold = True oShee...

How to export data to an excel file w/chart on iPhone?

Hi, I have some data in a sqlite database in my app, and my client wants an option that allows you to email it as an excel file which includes a chart of the data. Is this possible on an iPhone? Have a good one, Toby ...

Export object to excel using C#

Hi All, What is the best way to export objet to excel file in C# (.net framework 3.5)? Thanks in advance! ...

Excel Automation From .NET - creating a new worksheet

I am attempting what seems like a simple task: using C# to create a new Excel document containing new worksheets. For some reason, I am getting a strange COM error (0x800A03EC) Has anyone managed to get this to work? Does anyone have suggestions as to how to troubleshoot this? I've isolated this into the minimum amount of code: usin...

Best language to use when exporting an excel file

I want to write a macro program that takes in data from a text file and then arranges it in a specific manner in an excel file. I don't know which language has the best features for dealing with Excel. I prefer java, and I see someone made an api called JExcelApi, but I'm not sure about it's capabilities. I would like to be able to ...

export data from WCF Service to excel

I need to provide an export to excel feature for a large amount of data returned from a WCF web service. The code to load the datalist is as below: List<resultSet> r = myObject.ReturnResultSet(myWebRequestUrl); //call to WCF service myDataList.DataSource = r; myDataList.DataBind(); I am using the Reponse object to do the job: Resp...

save a cfdocument as an excel file

is there a workaround to use the cfdocument tag to save a page/file as an excel sheet instead of a PDF file? I already have a process set up to make pdf files and email them out and would like to give my customers the option of getting an excel file instead. It would be nice if I could reuse the code I already have instead of having to ...

How to export large data to Excel

I have a criteria page in my asp.net application. When user clicks report button, firstly in a new page results are binded to a datagrid, then this page is exported to excel file with changing content type method. That normally works, but when large amount of data comes, system.outofmemoryexception is thrown. Does anyone know a way t...

SSRS 2005 Set SimplePageHeaders on the report instead of the server?

I have one report that does not export to excel friendly from SSRS 2005. I know I can use <Render> <Extension Name="EXCEL" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ExcelRenderer.ExcelRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ExcelRendering"> <Configuration> <DeviceInfo> <SimplePageHeaders>True</S...

Exporting WPF DataGrid to a text file in a nice looking format. Text file must be easy to read.

Hi, Is there a simple way to export a WPF DataGrid to a text file and a .csv file? I've done some searching and can't see that there is a simple DataGrid method to do so. I have got something working (barely) by making use of the ItemsSource of the DataGrid. In my case, this is an array of structs. I do something with StreamWriters ...

Export 2 gridview to 2 worksheets in single Excel with formatting

I want to export 2 gridviews to 2 worksheets in single excel file. and also don't want to use any other dll or utility or Interop assemblies. ...

DataGrid Export to Excel Issue

Hi, I have datagrid from where i need records to export to excel. I have follow the code from http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/dipalchoksi/exportaspnetdatagridtoexcel11222005041447am/exportaspnetdatagridtoexcel.aspx This works perfect but with only one issue. When i export into excel, i see the paging (...10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)...

export to excel from gridview

i have a code for export to excel,in my gridview i set paging to dispaly no of records in pagecount. but in my export to excel it is not giving me entire records,insted it is showing me the same paging with 6 record. my code: string attachment = "attachment; filename=Contacts.xls"; Response.ClearContent(); Response.Ad...

TSQL- Export results to Excel returns single-threaded apartment mode error

I want to export the results from a sproc to Excel. Thus, between the exec and SELECT statements I insert the following: INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\Temp\testing.xls;', ' SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM [Sheet1$] ') Which returns the following error: OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OL...

Save Excel sheet into SQL

Excel has a Get External Data ribbon bar in the Data tab where we can choose to import tables from SQL databases. This process worked out nicely for me. But my question is, is there any way to save this data back into SQL? Does Excel provide some API that facilitates the coding of such a function without parsing everything and doing it f...

How to transfer more than 65536 rows from Access to excel 2007

How to transfer more than 65536 rows from Access to excel 2007. There is no limitaion on the part of Excel 2007 as the new version supports much more than 65536 rows in Excel. Limitation is coming on the part of Clipboard. It is not allowing to export or to Copy more than 65536 rows from Access. Thanks ...

Export to excel in .net

I have following code for export to excel in ReportByApp.aspx page containing crystal report crReportbyApp.rpt Dim outstream As System.IO.MemoryStream Dim strFileName As String strFileName = "Report_" & Now.ToString("MM-dd-yy") & " " & Now.Hour.ToString & Now.Minute.ToString & Now.Second.ToString & N...

Custom PHPExcel cell format only shown after double-click

I encountered a weird problem setting a custom date format with PHPExcel: I'm writing an sql formatted date to a cell and setting it's format with setFormatCode to 'd/m/y'. When I open it in Excel 2007, it shows the orignial date format until I double click the cell and then it's updated to my desired format. Is there a way to have it re...