
Using .annotate() and extra() together in django

It seems i cannot use annotate and extra together when making a queryset This discussions = game.gamediscussion_set.filter(reply_to=None).annotate(up_votes = Count('userUpVotes'), down_votes=Count('userDownVotes')).extra(select={'votes':"'userUpVotes' - 'userDownVotes'"}).order_by('votes') returns Caught Warning while rendering: Trun...

what's the alternative to readonlycollection when using lazy="extra"?

I am trying to use lazy="extra" for the child collection of Trades I have on my Client object. The trades is an Iset<Trade> Trades, exposed as ReadOnlyCollection<Trade> because I do not want anyone to modify the collection directly. As a result, I have added AddTrade and RemoveTrade methods. Now I have a Client Search page where I need ...

IE 7 - getting extra padding on bottom of footer, any fixes?

Here is my css for my footer. It is supposed to be at the very bottom of the page, but for some reason in IE 7 .. i am getting about 10px of extra margin. Any fixes? /* FOOTER ********************************************************************************************************************/ #footer-bg { ma...

CSS extra horizontal space

Hi Guys, I have been trying to removing the extra horizontal space coming in my HTML/CSS Page. Any idea why this occurs. Thanks ...