
Is it possible to use implicit conversions for parameters to extractors (unapply) in Scala?

I have created a class called CaseInsensitive which wraps a string (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1745910/implementing-a-string-class-that-does-case-insensitive-comparisions-in-scala). I've created a case class which has a member variable of type CaseInsensitive, so it gets a default unapply method, which extracts a variable of...

jmeter how to process an xml using Xpath in beanshell

These are troubles i have faced when using JMeter Xpath extractor. I have an xml which contains an attribute with the CDATA value which is a valid xml too. My scope is to parse the CDATA xml within one iteration. I found out that i won't be able to parse the CDATA held in primary xml using the same JMeter XPath extractor. So i have decid...

Can extractors be customized with parameters in the body of a case statement (or anywhere else that an extractor would be used)?

Basically, I would like to be able to build a custom extractor without having to store it in a variable prior to using it. This isn't a real example of how I would use it, it would more likely be used in the case of a regular expression or some other string pattern like construct, but hopefully it explains what I'm looking for: def som...

JMeter Extracting an attribute from a root element with a namespace

Hi, I'm using JMeter and have the following XML which I need to extract the Id from. <Customer xmlns="http://services.test.test" Id="001"> .... <Customer> I want to extract 001 from the Id. I'm using JMeter XPath Extractor and so far I have tried... /Customer@Id and /Customer/@Id What am I missing?? Thanks ...

Customizing a script to extract titles from Tumblr post (stripping HMTL tags from text input)

Okay, I' not an expert in PHP (I'm really just beginning to grasp the thing) and I need a little help to customized a script for extracting titles from Tumblr's post (and I insist, it's a small problem, I'm not asking for the whole script to be written for me). For those who doesn't know: Tumblr is a microblogging platform with the ch...