
facebook Friend list is not shown on my website if user log offs from facebook

I'm using infinite_session to get the facebook session of user. I'm using facebooker plugin. for facebook website integration. Situation is: if user is logged on my website in the first tab of browser & in the second tab user is logged on facebook, all the facebook friends are shown properly on my website. But if user logs off from fa...

How to implement paypal in facebook application canvas using PHP?

I want the user to subscribe my app in two ways means there are two choices say 200$ and 350$ subscription are available. Firstly I want to direct them to Paypal inside the canvas and then return to the app's page.I want to use PHP libraries .. ...

How to have a UIView appear from the middle of the screen

I looked at Apple's UIModalTransitionStyle, but didn't see what I was looking for. I want to do the same thing that the Facebook iPhone App does; when you touch on a button on the Facebook's homescreen, the new UIView appears (and then disappears when you are done) from the middle of the screen. I would like to implement similar transi...

New facebook application width to be 520px only?

I'm about to make a facebook application and I'm confused about what width I can design for. It seems that at the moment you have 760px at your disposal, but a lot of sources say this will be reduced to 520px in the beginning of 2010. Being halfway through 2010 already, I'm wondering if this is really happening? 520px seems very little? ...

Adding FBML to users wall post?

When posting to the users wall can I include FBML? i.e. "Mick just scored the high score on {GAME}"? I'm not sure if it's possible or not. Thanks. ...

Facebook app: Random quotes not refreshing on each page load

I have a Facebook app written in php that will display random quotes on your profile. The box does not appear to update, it looks like it did when it was originally added. I want to update the profile boxes on each page load (refresh), and not by a user action like clicking a link. Any idea what is the problem and how to solve it? ...

Username not displayed in Facebook Hello world application

Hello, I am new to creating a facebook application and hence started out with a simple Hello World Application. But When I try to display my Name, it is not displayed. This is my code: <?php require_once 'facebook.php'; $api_key = 'mykey'; $secret = 'mysecretkey'; $facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $secret); $user = $...

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed error while trying to create a facebook app

Hi, I am trying to create a small facebook application. In my php file, I have written code to just display my name and to get my friend's list. This is my code: <?php echo "<p>Hello, <fb:name uid=\"$user_id\" useyou=\"false\"></fb:name>!</p>"; echo "<p>Friends:"; $friends = $facebook->api_client->friends_get(); $friends =...

Make granting extended permission optional for an application?

Hello, I'm developing a Facebook canvas application. One of the features in this application will be posting to the user's stream when they perform certain actions, i.e. logging into the app ("User X is now playing at App Y!"), purchasing a virtual product ("User X has just purchased Product Y on App Z!") etc. To do this, I need the "pu...

Facebook: Access list of my friends' friends

Hello, how can i get a list of my friends friends in Facebook using any Facebook API? I've seen this working on some Facebook apps - like the Marketplace app that allows to search for ads from my friends and their friends. How do they do it? However, I'm getting stuck with FQL here: "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 in ( select ui...

How to include html in stream.Publish

Hello guys, I'm using the old Rest API (and old Javascript SDK) to develop an iframe application inside facebook. However I would like to have the wall posts (calling stream.Publish) to include new lines and having people's names with links to their profiles. However every time I include html content, FB strips it.. but I know it can be...

how to display an external link in a facebook application>

Hi, I am developing an FB appln in iFrame mode with coding in xFBML. What is the code to navigate to an external link? ...

Publish to multiple users wall using stream.publish not working

I am trying to post a same message to multiple friends using stream.publish.. I am sending friends ids as a comma separated list to the parameter target_id.. but it seems not working and the publising is happening only in the first friends wall.. Is it a normal behavior and should I call stream.publish for each friend? ...

Facebook application under a Fans page TAB?

I managed to build a basic IFrame application, using the Graph API. I wanted to be able to load this application via Fans Pages' tabs - Only to realize Facebook doesn't like the idea of using iframes under said tabs. (I know of a workaround, which is not acceptable...) So I gather I should start over doing it a Static FBML Application, ...

Facebook API communication IP address and Port number

I have a website that has strict filters to allow any communication with other websites such as Facebook. Can anyone tell me what is the IP address and Port numbers for facebook REST and Graph APIs so that they can be allowed in my server.. ...

Facebook App - profile tab does not load

Hi All, I'm writing a new facebook application with all migrations enabled. The canvas page loads. Profile page (fbml) doesn't load. When accessed page loads with the facebook ajax loader animated icon and just hangs there indefinitely. Facebook is not hitting my public server for the profile tab page. I've a servlet that can handle bot...

how to send email to facebook proxied email

when facebook app users provide proxied emails like apps+XXXXX.YYYYYY.ZZZZZproxymail.facebook.com , how do i send emails to them? email sent to this email is not delivered. ...

Facebook Application Security Question

Hi Stackoverflowers I just created a Facebook Canvas application and I want this application to be added as a Tab to my company fanpage. However I do not want anybody else to be able to do this. I do however want users to be able to use the application. How in the world do I configure my application for that? And how do I even get i...

problem with image paths using sfFacebookConnect on a facebook app

using FBML my app is giving the following error: HTML error while rendering tag "img": Relative URLs not allowed here The same thing happened to me when working on apps not in symfony and the easiest solution was to just include the absolute url in either hard code or a constant. Does anyone know any more elegant solution using symfo...

Facebook App - Share link is missing while posting to user's feed

I'm sharing a link on a user's feed - everything seems to be valid, but there's no Share link (Share button)... What is it that I'm doing wrong? try { $su = $facebook->api( "/{$uid}/feed", "post", array( "access_token"=> $access_token, ...