

I am using FBConnect api for integrating facebook with my iPhone app. I can view user details, user friend list and also the events posted by the user in facebook using FQL queries. I want to post the events in facebook from my iPhone app using FQL queries. Though I have wrote my fql query as shown below info=[info stringByAppendingForm...

Accessing Facebook wall posts

Is there a way, via FQL or the Facebook API, to access the wall posts to a fan page (not a profile)? ...

Does facebook fql contain the sql like operator?

Hi all, I am building a small facebook app. Trying to search for values in an auto compelte manner. Is it possible to use sql's like operator in fql? ...

Help with fql.multiQuery

I'm playing around with the Facebook API's fql.multiQuery method. I'm just using the API Test Console, and trying to get a successful response but can't seem to figure out exactly what it wants. Here's the text I'm entering into the "queries" field: {"tags" : "select subject from photo_tag where subject != 601599551 and pid in ( selec...

Combine 2 fields returned in FQL for a 3rd query

I want to combine the results of status_id returned from status table http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Status%5F%28FQL%29 and comments from stream http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/stream%5F%28FQL) to retrieve comments for a user (in a single multiqery maybe) Something along the lines of: query1:Select status_i...

Retrieve news feed using facebook API

Hi I have been looking for hours but cannot find the API call that retrieves a user's news feed (i.e the thing that you see at http://www.facebook.com/home.php). I think this should be something extremely easy. What did I miss? I would prefer an answer with FQL, but other API methods will be just fine, as I think I can translate between ...

how to write where condition in fql facebook using asp.net?

Hi all, I need to execute a fql using facebook dll in asp.net. The fql is ="select name, profile_url from user where name = 'suresh'". When I execute this i could not get the response . I am getting only empty string. string response = fbService.fql.query("select name, profile_url from user where name = 'suresh'"); but if i search by...

fql.query method returns empty string in asp.net

Hi, I have developed a web application 3 months ago to show facebook users by searching username. To access facebook, I have downloaded facebook dll and got application key, and secret key from facebook. My web application was working fine and displaying records from facebook. yesterday onwards, my application is not working fine. I c...

How to execute fql (facebook api) in asp.net?

Hi all, How to execute the fql in asp.net? I used the following code, but I coult not get response. public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { facebook.Components.FacebookService fb = null; public _Default() { fb = new FacebookService(); fb.ApplicationKey = "a1eb7d8b0864cbae129891e93f2dcc96"; fb.Secret = "0d1...

Help with FQL and List (of T)

Hi I am using the Facebook Toolkit and making a request using FQL.Multiquery. I am using the following code which returns the correct data: Dim query1 As String = String.Format("SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id in (SELECT target_id FROM connection WHERE source_id={0}) AND is_hidden = 0", FBuserI...

FQL multi query optimisation

Hi, I'm trying to get my head around whether it would be possible to do something with an FQL multi-query rather than multiple API calls. Here is my code: var queries : Object = { "user_list":"SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = "+uid ,"event_id":"SELECT eid, start_time, end_time, location, pic, name FROM event WHERE eid IN (SELE...

Facebook - max number of parameters in “IN” clause?

In Facebook query language(FQL), you can specify an IN clause, like: SELECT uid1, uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 IN (1000, 1001, 1002) Does anyone know what's the max number of parameters you can pass into IN? Thanks. ...

Get a Facebook stream post by post_id

I want to get the details (contents, user info) of a post that was made on a fan page's stream. I have the post_id variable but don't see any method/api call where I can pass in a post_id to get the post contents. The only thing that seems possible is getting the entire stream and comparing the post_id item by item... which is slow an...

Facebook FQL - How do I fetch the posts I made to a friend's wall

I have a facebook desktop app with some test users all having granted the stream_read & offline access permissions. I can easily retrieve posts to each users' stream & profile. What I cannot do easily is retrieve posts that a user has made to one of their friend's walls. In fact, this used to work with a rather complex multiquery, but h...

Facebook App : Problem with storing user info

I want to store basic user info like name and proxied email into my MySQL database. Here's my code $facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret); $user = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'publish_stream','status_update','email'); $con = mysql_connect("xxxx","xxxxx","xxxxx"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: '...

Display Facebook Status Publicly

There a couple posts on this topic non of them really talk about posting your facebook status publicly. I'm looking to post a facebook status publicly just like you can with a twitter update. Does anyone have a fully working code example of this? *Note: I am not looking for a plugin for something like wordpress. I am looking for a ho...

Are Facebook Connect comments stored locally or in Facebook's DB?

If I integrate Facebook Connect on my website so Facebook users can comment on something, will the comments have to be stored in my database or will Facebook store them for me and I pull them back when I need? ...

fql query problem in php

I want to fetch the names of users on facebook. For that, I tried using FQL query. The code is, $result = $facebook->api_client->fql_query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid='$user_id'); But there is some problem with this. I guess the query is not getting executed or it is returning null values. I also tried using users.getInfo as foll...

Facebook friends.getLists failing

Hi all, I'm trying a simple request on Facebook to return all my friend lists. I'm trying this in Facebook's test console, as well as through an iPhone app i'm working on. friends.getLists (also alternatively through FQL) SELECT flid, name FROM friendlist WHERE owner=4810796 I am currently logged in, so using that number should b...

FQL Stream Facebook Application publish_stream

I want to create/show an activity stream of everything that has been published/commented on behalf of my application. My question is, do I need to "farm" any "post" id's or am I able to call upon everything posted into the stream via my application from it's id in a FQL statement? Thanks in advance! ...