
New Facebook FQL table vs. Grap API

Hello everyone I just read the new User fql table fields at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/user As I can see a lot of the fields have been deprecated such as work_history or books and movies. It is quite essential for my app to get all those fields for my user's friends in a single fql query. If i am not wrong the o...

Difference between Facebook query from iphone and from web

Hi, I am creating a iphone application for the existing web application. The fql which is happening at the web is giving me right results but the fql happening at the iphone is not giving all the results. select name, pic_square, pic_big, uid, sex, birthday, relationship_status , current_location, meeting_sex, interests, music, tv, mov...

Facebook multiquery result goes wrong?

This is my xml result return from facebook <fql_result_set list="true" xmlns="http://api.facebook.com/1.0/"&gt; <comment> <object_id>340982187784 </fql_result_set> <fql_result_set list="true" xmlns="http://api.facebook.com/1.0/"&gt; <fql_result_set_elt list="true"> <fql_result_set_elt_elt key="object_id">340982187784811202...

Facebook photo_tag fql query problem?

Hello I have a problem search through the photo tag that facebook user got tagged. SELECT pid FROM subject = uid uid = are the friend of the logged in user. I have received a list of tagged for particular user since I wanted to count how many he/she being tagged, I counted on my server code after retreive an XML from facebook. I...

Problem about querying the photo_tag using FQL on facebook?

I have an application which wanting to show the statistics about a friend who got tagged in a photo. The outcome seems odd. e.g. I have a friend A. A is a friend of B but B isn't my friend. B has a photo and tag A to his photo. When my facebook application runs, I cannot see how many tagged photo applied on A. Is it because B is not my ...

Checking how many friends of a user are fans of a page

Is there a way using FQL or FBML to display how many friends a user has that are also fans of a particular Facebook Page? ...

Handling big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP

I'm using FQL to retrieve a list of users from Facebook. For consistency I get the result as JSON. This causes a problem - since the returned JSON encodes the user IDs as numbers, json_decode() converts these numbers to floating point values, because some are too big to fit in an int; of course, I need these IDs as strings. Since json_...

iPhone facebook connect FQL Query to get Profile URL.

Hai. I am using Face book Connect FQL Queries to extract my profile photo url that is src_big,src_small URL. But i am always getting the empty array in below delegate (void)request:(FBRequest*)request didLoad:(id)result My FQL query is. NSString* fql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT src_big,src_small FROM photo WHERE pid IN...

FaceBook FQL issue while extracting album name in Iphone.

Hai Guys, I have 3 albums in my Face Book account. 1.profile 2.NaturePhoto 3.Profile Pictures when i use below FQL Query the "request:didLoad:" delegate return the empty array. NSString* fql =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT cover_pid,name FROM album WHERE owner == %lld", session.uid]; NSDictionary* params = [NSDictionary dicti...

Facebook Social Plugin comment count

I'm using facebook connect and facebook social plugin comment ( ). I want to get comment count from current page. How to write it ? Need to use FQL ? If fql, SELECT count(*) FROM comments WHERE xid= ? what xid should I add? How to get xid from current address ? ...

FQL in ASP.Net Facebook Application using FBML is not working.

Here is my FQL code in ASP.Net Facebook application in FBML. string s = Master.Api.Fql.Query("SELECT name, pic FROM user WHERE uid=" + Master.Api.Users.GetLoggedInUser()); Response.Write("s="+s); While running the page the following error throws out, Errors while loading page from application Runtime errors: FBML Error (line 2): unkn...

facebook api - fql - exact difference between modified and modified_major

Hi there. I have found the Facebook API's very limited. Here is what I'm looking at. It is so vague it is ridiculous. Maybe they want to keep it that way so they can change it at any time? Anyywayy, I'm wondering specifically whether comment additions to albums or album photos are included in modified or modified_major. Is modified_majo...

Do combination OR and AND statements work with Facebook's FQL?

I'm attempting to execute a semi-advanced query using Facebook's FQL. SELECT message FROM stream WHERE actor_id= userid_1 AND source_id=userid_2 OR actor_id=userid_2 AND source_id=userid_1 Everytime I run it though, it comes up blank, even though there are posts between the two users on their walls, so this possible or do I need to u...

Facebook: Access list of my friends' friends

Hello, how can i get a list of my friends friends in Facebook using any Facebook API? I've seen this working on some Facebook apps - like the Marketplace app that allows to search for ads from my friends and their friends. How do they do it? However, I'm getting stuck with FQL here: "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 in ( select ui...

fql - fbconnect getting first post ever

I want to get the first stream record ever. I tried: SELECT post_id,created_time FROM stream WHERE source_id = 610611346 ORDER BY created_time ASC LIMIT 1 But it gives me the LATEST instead of the FIRST post :(. I increased the limit to 5 just to have a look at what it was bringing back and it is simply the last 5 posts in ascending o...

Error accessing Facebook API

Since today my app throws this error: Thanks for helping! Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporärer Fehler bei der Namensauflösung in /var/www/modules/facebook/classes/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php on line 3663 Warning: fopen(http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=facebook.fql.qu...

Facebook Query Language - how do I get note tags?

I have poured over the FQL APIs, done google searches - but can't figure out how to get the list of people tagged in a note. It isn't on the 'note' table. And there is no note_tags table. Anyone else worked this out? ...

FQL: Order photos by likes

Is there anyway to retrieve photos ordered by the number of likes in FQL? ...

FQL - getting photo record given pid

Hi there. I am trying to do something very simple - getting a 'photo' record for a given pid. I am using: SELECT pid,aid,owner,src_small,src_small_height,src_small_width,src,src_height,src_width,src_big,src_big_width,src_big_height,link,caption,created,modified,object_id FROM photo WHERE pid = '2622555765931507709' I always get an emp...

Facebook FQL returns <fql_query_response list="true"/>

Hi, I am trying to get a facebook fql query to work using the browser, I have a valid oauth token (I can make graph api calls with it). Here is the url I tried: https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=89192912655 AND end_time=1280430050 AND period=86400 AND metric='page_fans'&a...