
How to display a list of Facebook users registered with my Facebook Connect website

Hi, I'm developing a website using Facebook Connect as the only membership/authentication mechanism. So far authentication and inviting friends work. Now I'd like to display a list of users registered with my Facebook application. Something like : "There are 1234 members in the AppName community" + a list of profile pictures. How woul...

Does FB.Connect.Logout terminates offline access session token?

Hi, I have a Facebook Connect application that uses offline access to grant infinite sessions to itself. When the user is logged out of Facebook, I want the ability to send messages to the user, so I am wondering: Does using FB.Connect.Logout also terminate the infinite session, or does it leave the session be and only logs the user ou...

Facebook iphone connection

I have the next problem with the connection: I can't connect to one app in facebook, but when I create a new app in facebook and I change the API and secret all is going good. The problem is that I need to connect to the first one app in facebook, the other was only to test the connection. What could be the solution? Thanks ...

Does the latest Twitter/Facebook outage tell us we should not rely on them for login?

There are pros and cons for having the login process on the website done through Facebook Connect or Twitter sign in, rather than rolling your own registration process: Pros: use existing account -> less steps (registration/verification) get a lot of meta data such as first name, last name, address, etc. get list of friends -> easier...

How do you exclude certain networks from logging in through Facebook connect

My question is how do you exclude certain networks from using facebook connect on your website. I mean if you want FB connect on your site, can you limit say only people with NYU.edu Emails or people in the NYU network? ...

How to dynamically show/hide a facebook login button

How can I determine via javascript if a user has logged in to my site via facebook connect or not? Based on this result, I would like to show/not show a <fb:login-button> button on the site. If I did something like this using jquery: <div id="login"></div> <script> if (notLoggedIn) { $("#login").html("<fb:login-button></fb>"); } <...

nil facebook_session with Facebooker gem and Rails 2.2.2

Integrating FB Connect into our site using Rails 2.2.2 and Facebooker gem (latest version). Login button, xd_receiver files generated fine to the point where the login popup window will open, I can log in, and it will then execute the onlogin event, but Facebooker's facebook_session method just keeps returning nil. Upon inspecting the se...

Using facebook connect with Jquery

Is it possible to use Facebook connect with Jquery? I've found some old posts saying it isn't possible, but I'm not sure how things currently are. I've found that the Facebook connect code is mostly using Fb as the namespace, while jquery uses the $ sign, so may be it is possible? ...

iPhone + picture share + picture host

Hi, I wrote an app for iPhone which lets you create a picture (kind of like photoshop). I wanted to let people share their pictures via Facebook for example, however their API only allows you to show images in a user's news feed via an image URL (you can't first upload a local image to the facebook servers and host it from there). It lo...

Logged-out users (who have granted offline access) seeing empty fb:request-form / fb:multi-user-selectors

I've got a Connect application on Rails where we request offline access from all of our users, and tie their Facebook account information to their internal user accounts on our site. When a user is logged in and reaches our Invite Friends page, they see a working fb:multi-friend-selector, wrapped inside fb:request-form, wrapped inside f...

PublishPost method example for Actionscript API Facebook connect required

I established an extended permission with Facebook connect, works like a charm, but i just can't seem to publish messages on my wall. i keep getting this error: error code 100: Invalid parameter my code: var message:String = "test facebookconnect"; var publishpost:PublishPost = new PublishPost(message, null, null, null); publishpost....

How to implement a universal login system like Buxfer: Open Id, Facebook, Google, Aol, etc

Any idea how Buxfer (Buxfer.com) would have implemented their universal login system? Did they use Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect? I'm trying to implement one for my site using .NET C#, but I couldn't find any .NET client libraries for Google Connect. But I was curious how Buxfer managed to let users sign in with not only F...

Facebook Connect response ignoring 'next' parameter

I'm using the Facebook connect login API for desktop apps presented here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Authorization%5Fand%5FAuthentication%5Ffor%5FDesktop%5FApplications I'm finding that the parameters I pass arent working correctly. Here's an example of the URL I use for the site: http://www.facebook.com/login.php...

Deeplinking with SWFAddress and Facebook connect

After prompting the user for the login and submitting it's details, my application appears in the facebook lightbox instead of the browser window. This is not the case when I remove the SWFAddress params (all the info after the hash in the URL bar). Is it possible to tell the API to ignore the info after the hash or is there a way i can ...

Facebook Login Window Not close after Successfull login

Hello All I have implemented Facebook Connect with ASP.Net 3.5. My problem is when i click on Face book login the small window will open. when i pass the valid credential it will redirected to URL which i specified in Connect URL in Facebook application on developer.facebook.com. The main problem is this page is redirected on same page ...

Facebook Rights

Hi, I have started to look into if it is possible to use facebook connect as openid for my blog and some other pages. The only thing I am interested in is to know if a user is authorized by facebook and if so get some kind of id from that person (not required to be something that I can link to a person on facebook myself but that I can b...

Facebook access cookie

I can't understand why I can't access the cookies created by facebook connect. I am getting this error msg Notice: Undefined index:{api_key}_user in xxx My code is <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); session_start(); echo $_SESSION['{api_key}_user']; When using the webdeveloper plugin in firefox I can see ...

Facebook friend validation on an external website

I'm interested in using Facebook as a way to validate that someone is my friend on an external site, and based on that, show them special content. Inside Facebook, consider this scenario: I post photos and give permission to friends only Someone tries to view my photos by URL If that person is my friend, Facebook displays the photos. ...

Is there a PHP plugin for allowing login via major OpenIds and login APIs?

Is there a PHP plugin or an open project offering a simple login/connection system to most of the major sign in providers simply by providing an API key then storing the linked account information in MySQL? Or is there a system that can be extended to include various other login providers as they become available? Google Account / gmai...

facebook connect on mobile

hi, i want users can log in my website throw FB connect ON MOBILE but it's seem that it work only on smart Phone (exmple iphone ) is it possibale that it will work in all Phone that use wap ? thanks ...