
Facebook page: How to add a customized box at the bottom left side of wall tab?

Dear all, I have a question about Facebook Page: (NOT user profile page, I mean a facebook page where you can become a fan) How to add a customized box at the bottom left side of wall tab? (I am the page creator/admin) Please don't just give an answer "add the box to the page". Cause I really don't know how. Also, it seems that putti...

Facebook Fans Page Question: How to send email to fans?

Facebook Fans Page Question: How to send email to fans? There is a "Send an Update to Fans" button, but it will only send messages to fans' "facebook inbox's update folder" Is there anyway to send news to fans' email so that they can get the news from their mail box? (I'm not talking about facebook mailbox, but real email) Many thanks...

Facebook Application and posting to a Page Stream

Hello guys, As usual, I'm having problems due to a lack of clear guide in the Facebook API Documentation. Basically I have created an application that is installed to Facebook Pages, I want to periodically post automatically via my server to the Stream of these pages (of course, willing to have it authorised, etc), but I am just unable...

Facebook IFrame on page canvas?

Hey guys, I have developed a small site that i would like to embed into a tab on a facebook page. Previously I used this code to load in an iframe, it worked great: <a onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_1);" style="cursor: pointer;">Link 1</a> | <a class="red" onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_2);" style="cur...

Showing Dynamic Content within a Facebook Page

Hi all, I need to have some content displayed in a Facebook Page (I believe these are also referred to as Business Pages?). However, some of these content will be dynamic. What I mean by that is, some of the content will be taken from an existing web application. I've looked into using Static FBML (which allows us to have tabs in the p...

Facebook: get list of pages that a user is admin of

I'm using the graph api. I have a logged in user, and want to get back a list of page ids of all the pages that the user is an admin of. Is there a way of doing this? The docs are pretty bad - and circular. ...

Can I access an age-restricted Page's wall feed through the Facebook API?

I'm currently working on a website for an alcohol brand, and they want to display posts form their Facebook wall on their own website. Naturally they have restricted their Facebook page to 18+, but this means that the wall feed is not publically available, and also not accessible via http://graph.facebook.com/(page_id)/feed Is it poss...

post on facebook page wall as facebook admin through facebook php api

Hi, I would like to post feed to facebook page wall as page admin. I can publish post to facebook wall with publish_stream from fb php api, but it is just as a normal facebook user. May I know how can I do likewise as a page admin (meaning that the post publish from facebook page and not from other fb user on the page wall)? Thank you....

is there a way to create a FB app for a single page?

I want to create a FB app for a client's Facebook Page. How do I do this without allowing other pages accessing it as well? Obviously I can do an ID check in my code, but I presume there's a 'proper' way of denying access to all and sundry? ...

Howto use xfbml on facebook pages?

I've created a facebook page and added an fbml box to it. But fbml seems to be very limited, in many cases, I would like to use xfbml instead (or even better: both together). Is it possible to use xfbml in Facebook pages? ...

Why does my Facebook Like button create a brand new Facebook page?

I'm trying to integrate Facebook into a site I'm developing, I have created a Facebook Page for the business & a Facebook app too - I am very confused with the documentation & terminology that Facebook uses. I am using FBML to add a Recommend button to the footer of my site so that users can recommend that particular page but when I cli...

creating a tab page for a FB Pages app

I have created a FB Pages app and am trying to figure out why my tab html is not displaying. when I go directly to my example.com/tab url that I have set in the facebook app settings I can see the expected HTML. When I go to my app tab on a sample facebook page I can see the request come for example.com/tab on my server as expected but...

How can my application find the Facebook Pages that a user administers?

I'm developing an application and want to let users connect their account to one of their Facebook Pages that they administer. Is there a way through the Facebook API that I can discover the Facebook Pages that a user administers? The method below seems to find all the FB Pages that person is a fan of (likes): http://developers.facebo...