
Update Facebooks Status using Python

Is there an easy way to update my Facebook status ("What's on your mind?" box) using Python code ? ...

Can I use Facebook's fb:friend-selector in an iframe?

I'm trying to use facebook's fb:friend-selector fbml tag, but my application is running in an iframe. Is it possible to use this tag in an iframe, if so anyone have any examples? ...

How can I implement Facebook Chat on my site?

I'm developing a site with something similar to the Digg bar at the top. One of the features requested is a live chat using Facebook. Is it even possible to implement Facebook Chat on my site by using Facebook Connect or other methods? And if so, how? [update] I've seen that it works with Pidgin and Adium, but what I'm looking for is a ...

Call to undefined method in facebook call to publishUserAction

I'm getting the following using the PHP client on my server (connecting via FBML). I've included the appropriate php files (facebook etc..) Fatal error: Call to undefined method FacebookRestClient::feed_publishUserAction() in ..../index.php on line 50 I'm trying to use the example given. Any ideas? ...

tagging photos in facebook-connect within iphone app

hello stacks! Im adding a fbConnect feature in my iphone app. Was wondering if there is a way to tag photos (names, i.e. John Smith) in the fbConnect api? all the best! ...

Need help for developing facebook app

hi, I am trying to develop facebook app using django. The problem I am facing is how to use facebook api and get user friend list. view.py def canvas(request): # Get the User object user, created = FacebookUser.objects.get_or_create(id = request.facebook.uid) return direct_to_template(request, 'canvas.fbml', extra_context...

Refreshing Facebook session from an iframe application

I've got a Facebook iframe application that is completely external. By this I mean that once a user accesses the canvas URL to load the application, all the links in the iframe app go to my servers, and the canvas page never gets refreshed unless the user navigates to somewhere else on Facebook and comes back (or does a browser refresh)...

Can I restrict the users who connect via Facebook Connect?

I'm building a website and I want it to integrate with Facebook Connect. The one problem I have is that I want to restrict the users connecting to only those who are part of a specific Facebook group or let them connect and have an admin approve their account. Is this possible? ...

"Gotchas" in Facebook Application development

I've been throwing myself at Facebook dev for a couple of weeks now and its been... challenging. Not from a "how does this work?" point of view, but from a "why doesn't this work!" one. I'm curious as to what "gotchas", unexpected behavior, or just straight-up bugs people have been seeing doing Facebook work and what they've done to co...

Facebook: Can I Programmatically Add a Friend?

Is there a Facebook API to add a friend? I can't find one, but then I can't find it stated anywhere that there isn't one, and this seems like something a lot of people would be asking about. (Note: I'm not talking about a Facebook application, but rather an HTTP-based API.) Clarification I should mention that I'm trying to do this W...

In terms of user experience, is it better to request new info or prompt for permission for old info?

Facebook applications have access to a service they call Proxied Mail. It's basically an email address unique to the user/app pair and forwards to the users registered email address as long as they continue to grant the app permission. So I can use this and prompt for permission, or I can just ask the user for their real email address s...

help needed for facebook api and django

hi, I am trying to get status msg of the user in my facebook app. But getting error in loading page. here is the code: user, created = FacebookUser.objects.get_or_create(id = request.facebook.uid) key = request.facebook.session_key some = request.facebook.friends.get() status_msg = request.facebook.status.get(request.facebook.uid) fr...

Where can I find the facebook php class reference?

For an example, there is a set_user function $facebook->set_user but I typed in set_user at the facebook developer wiki search box, it returns 'There is no page titled "set_user"' http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Special:Search?search=set_user&go=Go Where can I find the list of the functions and properties for the f...

How to consume Facebook's "autocomplete anything" suggest-style dropdown

When you go to edit your favorite music or movies on Facebook, you will notice an autocomplete suggest list that is basically a list of "everything" (brand names, music artists, movies, etc.) How can someone consume that list in their own code? Is it part of the Facebook API? ...

In CakePHP, is it possible to have internal and external routes?

A Facebook app is hosted on my server at, say, http://server.com/projects/fbapp/, but is only ever viewed in Facebook at, for instance, http://apps.facebook.com/fbapp/. Using CakePHP this presents a problem - should routes be prefixed with "/project/fbapp" or just "fbapp"? It's a problem because routes are used not just for routing inb...

Facebook Create a One Line Story template with images

Hi, Is it possible to add a small image (around 16x16px) to a One Line Story template in front of the username? I am using the facebook tool to create the feed, and can't figure out how I can get a small image in front of the one line story. It works fine with the code below for larger stories, but not the one line stories? {"images":[{...

Azure as a Facebook Platform

How is Azure as a platform for Facebook Apps? I am looking in comparison to GAE (Google App Engine). ...

Fql needed for fetching status of user friends(django+ facebook)

Hi, I am trying to fetch all status history of the user friends.Basically I am showing up friend list with thr pics and name. so I wanted to put the link next to the name saying how many times user had updated the status. on clicking on the link I can see the whole history of the status updated by that guy. Need help for writing fql. t...

facebook as3 library in flash cs4

How can i use facebook as3 library in flash cs4 to build air application. I don't want to use flex here. Cs4 can build air application. But i can not use the library in cs4. Please help me as soon as possible.... ...

How can I change the way MVC renders an action link dynamically?

I need to change the way MVC is rendering action links(and form's and url's, etc) based on a configuration setting. I am writing a facebook application using MS MVC and my action links need to render link so: <a href="/MyFBApplication/Home/Index/">home</a> clicking the above link would browse to: http://apps.facebook.com/MyFBApplicati...