
Is there a best way to handle naming fads?

In the last year and a bit of working on my team's code base I have noticed a steady progression of naming conventions. For example, there are a lot of classes that are named to express that they are a class that helps you do something. Here's the ones I've spotted: MyClassUtil MyClassFactory MyClassHelper MyClassManager MyClassServic...

What to do with “Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected”?

Hi, I need the Numeric.FAD library, albeit still being completely puzzled by existential types. This is the code: error_diffs :: [Double] -> NetworkState [(Int, Int, Double)] error_diffs desired_outputs = do diff_error <- (diff_op $ error' $ map FAD.lift desired_outputs)::(NetworkState ([FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double)) ...