
JQuery navigation active page.

I'm building a jQuery navigation and i cant seem to figure out how to make the navigation stay in the roll over state on the active page. HTML... <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <div id="pageWrap"> <div id="pageBody"> <a class="hoverBtn" href="#"></a> <a class="hoverBtn1" href="#"></a> ...

jQuery - .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() - swapping DIVs

I've got an HTML page with a few divs hidden withdisplay:none;that I'd like to be able to.fadeIn()and.fadeOut()replacing one with the other. I've currently got a link setup that should do just that, here is the Javascript I'm trying: $('#footer a').click(function() { $('#content > *').fadeOut('fast', function(){ ...

fade in/out hover by jQuery

Hi guys, I'm trying to add a simple fade in/out effect to the buttons by jQuery but I'm a bit stuck with fading out. I use this code: $('#header #menu li a').hover(function () { $(this).fadeOut(0).addClass('hover').fadeIn(300); }, function () { $(this).fadeOut(0).removeClass('hover').fadeIn(0); }); It adds a hover class which defi...

How to do this FadeOut Effect with openGL on iPhone?

Hello, I'm playing around with the GLPaint Example from Apple. But I don't know how to create an effect which fades the already drawn stuff out. I created an example in Flash which shows the effect I'm looking for: http://staging.rwichmann.com/openglexample/ In Flash I'm drawing a texture on a BitmapData and in every frame I'm adding ...

When an object is hidden in jQuery, surrounding elements snap in to new positions. How can I make them animate into new positions?

I have a list of say, 20 items. Each of them are boxes in 3 columns, like a grid format. Above the grid are options which allow you to show and hide different items within the list, depending on what you are looking for. When a user hides specific list items, they fade out and all of the other items snap into their new positions. Afte...

Fades out upon close, jQuery

Hi, I have a problem on this code $(document).ready(function(){ $('.nm_close').click(function(){ $('.map_pops').css('display','none'); }); }); What I want is this bubble popup will fades out when it closes. Thank you! ...

Jquery:(under 10 lines) when body.scrolltop > this 'h2', fade that h2 out, when it's not, fade it back in.

When the top of the body window is greater than or equal to the h2 tag, fade the h2 out, if the top of the window goes back up above that h2, fade that h2 back in. This code will fade out each individual h2 as you pass it scrolling down, but when i scroll back up, it wont fade it back in, and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. i'm not t...

fadeOut div after onClick event problem

Hi, this is my first time posting on here and have read alot of helpful stuff over the past few weeks since I found the site! So, my question is: I have the following code on my site and what im trying to do is... When an element (.btn-leavecomment) is clicked, a hidden div (#commenttype) is revealed via slideDown. This hidden div ...

appearing white shade while the view transitions? iwant to remove it

i used the following code for swap between views..bute there appears a white shade ..how can i remove the white shade? help me CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; [animation setDelegate:self]; [animation setDuration:1.8]; //[animation setTimingFunction:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; [animation setType: kCAT...

jQuery FadeOut div works - .load then .fadeIn div doesn't

Hi all, I'm developing a WordPress 3.0 theme, my first theme with a bit of jQuery enhancement. I'm trying to fade out and fade in the pagination on each posts area. The idea is that when a user click the "prev" or "next" arrows, the listed posts will fade out, the next page of posts will load and then fade in. The fadeouts work fine, ...

Creating a fade-in/fade-out function in MATLAB?

Hello, I am looking to create a function that could create a fade-in/fade-out function on a .wav file over a period of five seconds. I found this code on the MATLAB forums but it seems the implementation was slightly wrong, although the right idea is there. It was for .WAV files of 300ms with a 10ms fade-in/out: tenmssamples = length(...

How to animate a FadeOut and FadeIn while textView changed text

Hello, i try to animate a TextView on a changeText But always see only one direction of the animation, i only see the fadeout What i try is: beforChange = fadeOut and onChange or after fadein here is my code in the onCreate method of my activity: final Animation out = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f); out.setDuration(1000); ...

Jquery: function running before fadeOut Complete

I'm having an issue with my jquery script... should an easy task, but having some strange behaviours that I can't figure out. When I click on a link, I want my content to disappear, then the new content to reappear. All content is stored in tags. Here's what I'm using: $("#events_link").click(function() { $("#content").children("....

Need to fadeIn a webpage's entire contents on load but tiled bg pattern keeps doing the opposite

I have a webpage with a tiled background body image. It needs to be tiled because the designer wants it scalable with the browser window. It creates a very specific grid over which the rest of the site is designed. There is also a white page border around it (created via a separate div with a higher z-index) because the designer wants t...

Why is my jQuery script producing a double fadeIn?

I'm trying to use .fadeIn() to make my navigational hover effects look a little more smooth on the transition. Except I'm getting what I can only describe as a double fade (in and out and back in again). I'm brand new to JS and the jQuery API so any help appreciated. I'm an old pro with CSS, so I still think in those terms. On this one...

fadeIn / fadeOut jquery problem with IE7/8 & png

Hey guys, I am trying to make a magnifying glass background when the use hovers over an image that can be enlarged. This is using a blank span and setting its display to none until it is hovered, and having its background be a semi-transparent png with a magnifying glass in the center. This is done using fadeIn / fadeOut and works perf...

fadeout effect with hide in jquery..

I am trying to hide a div with a fadeout effect but it doesn't seem to work.. $('#messageDiv').hide().fadeOut('slow'); Any suggestion. I am showing an error div using a custom function? function getErrorMsgStyle(txt) { return "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align='center'><tr style='line-height:7px...

Jquery fadeIn/fadeOut animation issues.

I am using Jquery FadeIn/FaeOut to show and hide content on my page. Like so: $('.subnav_company').click(function(){ $('.aboutcontent').fadeOut('slow'); $('.company').fadeIn('slow'); }); My problem is that because the div '.company' is positioned below '.aboutcontent' whe...

Trouble animating a fadeout with jQuery

I'm trying to fade out some elements on a page, fetch new ones with AJAX, and then fade in the new ones. The fade in is fine, but the fadeout just won't work. I tried using fadeOut, because fadeIn worked fine, but the fadeout simply wouldn't work - the elements just vanished. I'm now trying to animate an opacity change. It works fine...

FadeIn javascript function in Safari not working but FadeOut works :(

So I've made custom function for a game I'm working on, one being fade in the other one fade out. The problem is fadeOut works, but fading back IN does not... strange. Any clues? See code below. THIS WORKS: fadeOut:function(o,duration) { o.style.opacity = 1; o._anim = function() { if(o.style.opacity <=0) ...