
FancyBox onload previous div issue

I am trying to load the facybox on onload of the page using trigger("click"). But when fancybox loads it is coming with previous div(fancybox-left) automatically, Due to the Z-index of fancybox-left it is covering most of my fancybox content which are textbox for user to enter username password. I am also having a style for fancybox-left...

iFrame Javascript remove div child elements

I've created a calendar application for the website I'm building and I'm trying to remove a div element with javascript. The Process ------------------- * Calendar Page Loads * User clicks on an event * Event pops up with a Fancybox window which is passed the Container Div ID, and Event Div ID * User clicks Remove Event *...

disable right click in fancybox

is there a way to disable right click in fancybox. thanks ...

popup from another popup using fancybox

hi, i m working with with fancy box. i ve a login.aspx and register.aspx page. while opening from login popup to register popup, not showing properly. give me the exact solution for this. Nirakar ...

[JQUERY] fancybox onStart onComplete status not working

hi,i'm trying to keep working onstart and onComplete method on fancybox (jquery plugin) they doesn't works for me yo know why? this is the code: $(document).ready(function(){ //top-menu highlight link $(".photos").removeClass().addClass("active"); $("a.fancybox").fancybox({ 'overlayShow' : true, 'opacity' ...

Fancybox plugin - overlay options problem

I am using the fancybox plugin I am trying to change the overlay options as detailed in the documentation, but no matter what I change the overlay options remain default. Here's what I have: <!-- header --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/s...

Fancybox external controls

I'm trying to use create external controls for Fancybox, or somehow manipulate the controls that exist to look and position how I want them. Here is the page I'm working on. At the moment, it's set up to load these portfolio slides via iframe (HTML pages) via Fancybox. I've set the background to be white, and I've ...

fancybox: higher than viewport?

I am using a fancybox to show some inline content on a listview. My problem is, that when the inline content is higher than the viewport, fancybox creates scrollbars inside the lightbox - but this is not the desiered effect. Instead i would like the lightbox/fancybox to addapt to the inline content, so that the scrollbar will be in the b...

How do I customise fancybox while still allowing my site to work without javascript?

I'm attempting to integrate fancybox, but I've run into something which is confusing me. I want to have a standard gallery, but if javascript is disabled then clicking any image takes you to a page which shows all the images in large. I've crafted a url like this: <a href="/pages/all-photos" class="photo_group" image_path="/system/ima...

Fancybox close point is not centered on the X button

I am finding that when closing the popup window that the close button is not actually the close point... I am having to click just below left of the X button to actually get it to close even extending into the picture itself. So basically the center of teh X button is not clsoing the window... Anybody have any ideas on this? I am using V...

Fancybox requires jQuery 1.3+, found 1.2.6. Error in drupal

I am using fancybox module for image display in drupal 6. and while changing the setting i got this error. Fancybox requires jQuery 1.3+, found 1.2.6 and they are asking for packed version. and from Jquery v-1.3 there is no packed version available. Can anybody tell me how to solve it ...

Problem lanching fancybox from within a fancybox on IE

I'm working with fancybox and I have the code below: <script type="text/javascript"> $("a#next_fancybox").fancybox(); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#submit").click(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/sumbit_url", data: $("#form").serialize(), success: function(msg){ $("a...

jQuery FancyBox Iframe - Using $(document).ready within the fancybox?

I'm using Fancybox to load a form as an Iframe, but for some reason my $(document).ready(function () isn't working for some reason. Any idea why? ...

jQuery datepicker shows up behind popup

I am using two different jQuery plugins that I'm trying to combine. First I'm using a popup plugin from When the popup shows I need to have a textfield with a datepicker inside the popup. The datepicker is from jQuery UI. The problem is that the datepicker always shows up behind the popup so it is impossible to ...

jquery inside fancybox not working

hi... I am facing problems with jquery within fancybox. Basically I have a form rendered through ajax and its been loaded within fancybox. But the problem is, jquery doesn't work on the form loaded by fancybox :( but it works fine when i go to the actual form page. I found a similar problem here

arrow keys not working in fancybox

Ok this is too weird! I have an input box within a fancybox, when I type something and want to move between characters and when I press the left or right arrow keys, it doesn't move... The arrow keys just doesn't work! anybody faced a similar issue before? Thanks... ...

Submitting form using Fancybox Ajax capabilities within an iFrame

Hi, I would like to use Fancybox to display a registration form within an iFrame. Then once the user has filled in his/her details. The details should be processed using the ajax mechanisms within Jquery/Fancybox and the values displayed within the same Fancybox iframe. How can this be implemented, I have been scratching my head all ...

Fancybox autoscale with long captions

The fancybox autoscale option doesn't seem to take into account the size of my captions. I need something that will put, not just the image, but the image and the caption in the viewport. You can see what I mean here: ...

Fancybox resize

Hi, I am using a fancy box which displays images, youtube video link and other videos. The user can navigate in the fancy box to go to next display or previous display. My problem is the fancy box doesn't get re-sized based on the displayed content. My code is as below: $.fancybox(href,{ 'autoScale': true, ...

Jquery Fancybox overlay message only shows up first two times in IE

I have a javascript function that is called based on user actions on a page. When the user clicks, a javascript function is called that displays a message in a jquery fancybox. This may happen 10,20 or even more times while the user is on the page. This worked fine using simple javascript alerts, but I wanted it to look nicer so I'm u...