
Using Context Menu On Fancybox Image Popup

I integrated this right click context menu into my website: my problem now is when I use fancybox to show an image, I can't seem to find a selector to target so i can use my custom context menu when i right click on the fancybox image popup. Any ideas? ...

jQuery: adjusting width+height later in fancyBox

So i have this fancybox with these configurations: $("a#uploadImage").fancybox({ 'titleShow' : false, 'width': 560, 'height': 120, 'autoDimensions': false, 'overlayOpacity': 0.6 }); Now i wish to expand the height with 230 and the width with 7...

jQuery: fancybox if close

FancyBox jquery question If you close it by pressing X I would like to get an alert("you forgot something.."). How can i do this? $("a#uploadImage").fancybox({ 'titleShow' : false, 'width': 560, 'height': 620, 'autoDimensions': false, 'overlayOpacity': 0...

How to get an UpdatePanel inside fancybox working

Hi, I'm using fancybox to display the contents of a div when clicking a link. This works using the code below: <a id="popupTrigger" href="#popup">popup trigger</a> <div style="display:none"> <div id="popup"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="HerkomstCodeUpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate>...

How can i open fancybox and from this fancybox open another box that displayed over the first box

I have a link in my page that open a div layer using fancybox, in this div i have link to javascript function, My question is : How can i open another fancybox that displayed over the first box, i need a div with confirm message (are you sure ?), i do not want that the user get out from the first fancybox. If you know about another j...

Slideshow in FancyBox Image Gallery?

I am just starting out learning some HTML and javascript (read: I know practically nothing about this stuff) and would like to have my index.html page open a rotating image gallery using FancyBox. I've got it all set up, to the point that the first image comes up in a modal dialog when the page loads, but I'd like the gallery to autom...

fancyBox - passing variable to function

What I am trying to do is have FB display my image, and when the title loads, I want it to have a link that will trigger a function that will set the value of a cookie to the image ID. For example. If I have a series of a 100 images, each having it's own unique ID, the link that appears in the title area of FB would have an "Add To Car...

Fancybox not working with Contentslider.js

I am using contentslider.js from DynamicDrive ( for my navigation. Within the DIVs managed by the contentslider I want to have a lightbox-like gallery. You can view the site at Go to the Photography option to see th...

Using Fancybox - Opening an iframe, need rounded corners in IE.

Hi, Using CSS I can get the iframe popup to have rounded corners in all browsers besides IE. I have tried to use a few jQuery plugins for rounded corners, and applying them to #fancybox-outer with no success. Does anyone please have a solution for rounded corners and fancybox (iframe) using IE. A demo would even be better! Thanks in a...

Jquery .trigger problem?

Hello, Simply my problem is my ajax scripts do not work if I click the link via Jquery .trigger instead of human click. If you want the whole story, please continue reading. I have used Jquery trigger function in my project. Let me explain first what does this do? I integrated Facebook login api to my project's user management system. ...