
How to construct a URL to open a iframe window with jQuery fancybox plugin (lightbox)

Hello, In my web site there is home page, and all other pages open using fancybox window - with iframe. I want to be able to construct a URL like which will send the user to my website and will open the iframed page {About.html} within the fancybox window. Thanks for help. ...

send variable fancybox onclick event

hi, ı want to send href value. but its not working. function display () { $.fancybox({ 'href': 'index.php', 'width' : '75%', 'height' : '75%', 'autoScale' : false, 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'type' : 'iframe' }); } ı tryed this : function display (who) { $.fancybox({ 'href': 'index.php'+who, 'w...

sifr with Fancybox

If I open an image with fancybox, this image remain down the sifr images? How to solve this problem? ...

Applying fancybox on future elements?

Is it possible to apply fancybox(or any lightbox alternative) on elements that are loaded by hquery's load() ? If so, how? ...

Use jQuery Fancybox(lightbox type dialog) with dynamically loaded links

I'm trying to bind Fancy box links so that when the new links are created it will still work. I've seen a few other question on here but not really answered. This is what I'm trying to do. jQuery("a#[id^='domore_']").fancybox({ 'autoDimensions' : false, 'width' : 'auto', 'height' : 'auto' }); This works fine but whe...

Is there a way to disable Tiny Scrolling for just one div?

Didn't want to create a new question so I'll just refrase this one, is there a way to disable the Tiny Scrolling plugin for just one particular div? Thanks :) ...

Avoid closing Jquery's FancyBox

Hi I am using fanxybox 1.2.6 but it's getting closed despite of mentionig onContentClick:false Here is the code: $("#"+vari).fancybox({'hideOnContentClick':false }).trigger('click'); Kindly help me out p.s: The window is loading content from other URL(via Iframe) ...

Fancybox - ASP.NET OnLoad

Hi, I want do Fancybox work without a click. I want fancybox work as a alert in onload. ...

Attach fancybox/lightbox/idontknowbox function on an element

I'm developing a jquery gallery, and I want to parametrize the highlighter function to support any kind of lightboxes (fancybox for example). In my defaults I did something like: $.fn.mygallery.defaults = { functionHighlighter: null } so in the code, creating the item, I'll check this property, and if it's setted to a function, I ...

Show Fancybox after form validation success

Hi, I'm using webforms, also I'm using jQuery Validation plugin and Fancybox plugin. My code works fine when I use the plugins separately. My webform is for user registration. I use validation plugin to validate my form before it's submitted to the server, the form is validated and submitted when the user clicks an

Using fancybox in a school's Cms system is giving me glitches.

So im using the overlay effect to present a swf on the page. In firefox it looks fine but there is a spot where the template blocks me from clicking on the Swf. in IE everything clicks fine but the overlay box does not get the right dimensions, so the swf appears to overlap the white box. I think it's the school's default template t...

Resize event does not fire in Firefox, but I need to handle focus when FancyBox is shown

I am working on a solution where I need to have the first input field selected when a fancybox is shown. I have tried reacting to the resize event, which works fine in IE but not in Firefox. Also tried reacting to the click event on the link that opens the box - but aparently this is too early so some other element steals focus afterward...

jQuery action being called when selector isn't met?

I've been working on a prototype for a client's web site and I've run into a rather significant snag. You can view the prototype here. As you can see, the way it works is you can scroll a set of slides horizontally and, by clicking one, open a stack containing yet more slides. If you then click again on an image in that stack it opens u...

Jquery and Fancybox repeat Gallery

HI everyone I hope you can help me, I have a problem with a requirement, I need to make a list of images that go to cycle. I have this website, here I have some business cards and I need the images to be repeated after the end of the first cycle and continue like a loop. here I leave the website, look that the list has a final. http...

Posting a form to popup form using jquery and fancybox

I am trying to post from a form to another form in a fancybox ( ) window. For example I have a list of cities with tickboxes on a form. When the user clicks submit on the first form, I am hoping for the fancybox window to appear with another form in. There will be a textbox on the new form that has the city ids sel...

Problems with Fancybox and jQuery

Beating my head blue on this one. The fancybox won't trigger on the preview images below. Everything is set according to manual. any ideas? ...

fancybox popup appears behind google maps

hello i downloaded and edditted the example file from the download pack. i added a google maps map. and when i click on the iframe link, the iframe popup apears BEHIND the google maps map. thats not the way i want it offcourse. what did i do wrong? i didn't change the original code from the example file. see this image for...

Can't focus fancybox iframe input

So I'm using fancybox to load up a login iframe, and I would like it onComplete to bring focus to the username field. If someone could take a look at this code and let me know what's wrong, that'd be great. Gracias. /* Function to resize the height of the fancybox window */ (function($){ $.fn.resize = function(width, height) { if (!wi...

Fancybox: Get id of clicked anchor/element

I am trying to get the id of the clicked/shown element in fancybox. I have tried both "" and "this.attr("id")" - but none of them works. $("a.lightbox_image").fancybox({ 'transitionIn': 'elastic', 'transitionOut': 'elastic', 'speedIn': 600, 'speedOut': 200, 'content': 'I...

Flowplayer in fancybox?

I am trying to get the Flowplayer to be shown inside a Fancybox, but can't quite get it working. This is my code so far; $("a.video_link").click(function () { $.fancybox({ 'autoScale': false, 'transitionIn': 'none', 'transitionOut': 'none', 'title':...