
How to do static de-initialization if the destructor has side effects and the object is accessed from another static object's destructor?

There is a simple and well-known pattern to avoid the static initialization fiasco, described in section 10.13 of the C++ FAQ Lite. In this standard pattern, there is a trade-off made in that either the constructed object gets never destructed (which is not a problem if the destructor does not have important side effects) or the static ...

How to parse HTML with PHP?

Suggestion for a reference question. Stack Overflow has dozens of "How to parse HTML" questions coming in every day. However, it is very difficult to close as a duplicate because most questions deal with the specific scenario presented by the asker. This question is an attempt to build a generic "reference question" that covers all a...

accordion faq in wordpress

Hello! I would like to make a simple collapsible faq in wordpress. There are accordion menu plugins out there that offer way more features than I need. But I'm having trouble getting things to look right with the Simple Content Reveal plugin. I'm ready to try writing my own jquery code for the first time. I will need step by step in...

Sharepoint page content aggregator for FAQ

Hi, I need to set up a FAQ with show/hide answers functionality all in one page. Answers should be rich text with image... like a page. My option to set up my FAQ as a site with pages for answers. Is the good way or should i use a list instead? If i opt for FAQ as a site, is it possible to aggregate site content into one page? How can i...

How to search || and or on StackOverflow?

One of my questions was closed, because of being a duplicate. My question is how can I search for duplicates for my original question. The keywords in my mind are: || or ruby rails Putting the four in the Stackoverflow search box didn't return anything meaningful. Thanks! ...

Scroll to bookmark on same page using jquery...

I made Q&A page. I'd like to click on the question and have the page scroll to the question using JQuery. What script do I use or does anyone have an example I can learn from? Many thanks. Erik ...