
How do you generate a random number in Assembly language using the FASM compiler?

Hey guys, I'm really new to assembly and I'm trying to create a simple program. For this I need to generate a random number. Anybody know how I can do this with the FASM compiler? Thanks, Sam ...

Do any FASM veterans want to become a mentor?

Learning assembly has so far been pretty hard, I have read every tutorial I could find and I'm still having trouble getting some of the basics down. Does anyone out there want to mentor me and answer a few questions every now and then? Thanks to anyone considering. ...

How to debug programms written in fasm under linux using gdb?

I wrote simple "hello, world" in fasm, and its works, but how i can generate debug info for gdb and edb (Evan's Debugger)? Fasm compiler could only produce debugging symbols in its specific format - "fas", which of course gbd couldn't understood. ...

A good NASM/FASM tutorial?

Does anyone know any good NASM or FASM tutorials? I am trying to learn assembler but I can't seem to find any good resources on it. ...

Assembler: Using "Flat assembler" how do I produce EXE files (compile, link..)?

I'm using FASM to compile a small piece of code: mov ah,4ch mov al,00 int 21h I click Run -> Compile, and what I get is a .BIN file. sorry for the noobish question but why don't I get an OBJ, or an EXE file, and what is this BIN? ...

How can I go about writing to the console in fasm?

The code I currently have can be found at: http://fasm.pastebin.com/yY3C0aVF I'm exceptionally new to assembly, only picked it up yesterday and I've looked through many an example and still can't figure out for myself how to write to the console. I always get an error when I seem to replicate it in my own way. If I'm not on the right t...

Ret Failure with SDL using FASM on Win32

I'm using SDL with FASM, and have code that's minimally like the following: format ELF extrn _SDL_Init extrn _SDL_SetVideoMode extrn _SDL_Quit extrn _exit SDL_INIT_VIDEO equ 0x00000020 section '.text' public _SDL_main _SDL_main: ccall _SDL_Init, SDL_INIT_VIDEO ccall _SDL_SetVideoMode, 640, 480, 32, 0 ccall _SDL_Quit...

Mach-O binaries using FASM

is anybody using FASM to produce Mach-O binaries? it's my assembler of choice and I thought it would be nice to learn whether that's possible to accomplish and whether somebody is already doing it. thanks in advance. ...

FASM vc MASM trasnlation problem in mov si, offset msg

hi folks, just did my first test with MASM and FASM with the same code (almos) and I falled in trouble. The only difference is that to produce just the 104 bytes I need to write to MBR in FASM I put org 7c00h and in MASM 0h. The problem is on the mov si, offset msg that in the first case transletes it to 44 7C (7c44h) and with masm ...

FASM using custom resource files

How do I include my custom resource files and be able to access them with the windows api? ...

Putting Two ORGs Together

I'm building a boot loader that boots the content that is located at the 1000h part of the floppy. I was doing that using Fasm(because my friend only uses Fasm, and he was helping me with this), but I prefer to use Nasm, and now I'm having problems with the syntax, then I want to know how could I do this in Nasm: org 7C00h %include ...

FASM running error with jmp

Hello, I've started learning 16-bit assembly (eventually moving up to 32-bit) from this tutorial here: http://matthew-4gl.wikispaces.com/fasm_tutorial and I am doing a few tests and practices on the flat assembler version 1.69 I got to the part in the tutorial on jumps, and the use of the jmp instruction. No matter what I do, however, ev...