
FastMM and Dynamically loaded DLLs

I have a host application, that loads a dozen of libraries at start up. I want to switch from Delphi 7s default memory manager to the full version of FastMM4 for better mem leak reporting. Should I include FastMM4 in the uses section of both the host application and the libraries? What about shared runtime packages? -Vegar Thanks fo...

Delphi DLL that is compatible with other programming languages

I want to build a DLL that exports functions that return a string. This DLL should work with other programming languages!! I have found all kind of nasty solutions/hacks to this, best one is to make my function return Pchar then call another function contained in the same DLL ( let's call it ReleaseMemory) to release the memory reserved...

Why do I get memory errors from my Delphi 2006 app running under Windows XP embedded

I have a D2006 app that uses FastMM4 (like, it has "FastMM4" in the start of the uses clause in the DPR file). I know Delphi uses FastMM4 as it's memory manager anyway, but the downloaded version has more debug dump options. I recently tried to run the app on a single-board tablet type industrial PC running Windows XP embedded. The pr...

Delphi automatic garbage collector

Is it possible to think to have in future an automatic garbage collector in Delphi? There are many applications in which a higly detailed control on when to free an object is not so important and it is just an extra thing to care about. For such applications having a kind of garbage collector that works like java's one would be interest...

Running in the IDE fails when using FullDebugMode for FastMM

I am trying to use FullDebugMode(fastmm4) to have a detailed report of memory leaks. While I can get this work succesfully in a dummy application that creates and doesn't free a TStringList I cannot in another application. In both projects the dpr is like this: {$DEFINE FullDebugMode} {$DEFINE LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile} uses FastMM4...

Delphi: FastMM makes your executables bigger?

Hi, Does FastMM makes your executables bigger? I notice my app grows about 300-500kb, which is rather big for me. I already turn off the delphi compiler option to exclude the debug info, but the size doesn't change. I use the FastMM's FullDebugMode to on, is this affecting the size? But when I try to turn it off, it looks for libc, whic...