
Problem FBConnect (IPHONE), code not run on didLoad

Hi all, Three days ago this code worked...:( The label will not update to show the loaded facebook username. //Interface .h IBOutlet UILabel *namefb; ... @property(nonatomic, retain)UILabel *namefb; //Implementation .m - (void)request:(FBRequest*)request didLoad:(id)result { NSArray* users = result; NSDictionary* u...

Facebook Connect compile error

Hi All, Am getting 1 warning and 1 error on compiling my iPhone app with FBConnect in there. The error is: literal-pointer@__OBJC@__cls_refs@FBSession Any thoughts on what the problem is and how to track it down? Regards Dave ...

Publish UIWebview via Facebook connect

I am using fbConnect in my Cocoa Touch application. I have UIWebview on my view, and I want to publish the UIWebview's context (its only text) to FaceBook. How should I change the FBStream to publish my UIWebview? FBStreamDialog* dialog2 = [[[FBStreamDialog alloc] init] autorelease]; dialog2.delegate = self; d...

A problem with NavigationController and FBConnect [iPhone SDK]

hi . i implement Facbook connect for my app on the AnotherViewController [based on NavigationController Project] , on there i have something to share to facebook . so when put this code on the viewDidLoad . when user go to AnotherViewController with Push animation . my FBSession appear to login !! i want when user select the button and ...

Confusion about session objects in Facebook Connect for iPhone

I've done a lot of reading of the Facebook docs, but I'm pretty confused about the role of the session object. For instance, with the method: session = [FBSession sessionForApplication:myApiKey secret:myAppSecret delegate:self]; What am I supposed to do with the session object that's returned to me, when presumably I need to wait for ...

Parsing NSStrings to ensure a correctly formed JSON string within XCode

I am reading string data from a PLIST which I am using to create a JSON string (incidentally for use within Facebook Connect). NSString *eventLink = [eventDictionary objectForKey:EVENT_FIND_OUT_MORE_KEY]; NSString *eventLinkEscaped = [eventLink stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *eventName = [event...

Facebook Connect problem with the iPhone

Hi guys! I have to integrate FaceBook connect with the iPhone App. I downloaded SDK, added new app on the facebook. But I have a problem. All samples and tutorials contains feature with feeds publishing. In the sample which included in the SDK I have to insert Template Bundle Id instead of '9999999': - (void)publishFeed:(id)target ...

FB Connect With iPhone issue

Hi guys! I have to integrate FaceBook connect with the iPhone App. I downloaded SDK, added new app on the facebook. But I have one problem. I can't found how can I create templateBundleId in the console - http://developers.facebook.com/tools.php Console contains API Test Console, FBML Test Console and Facebook Connect Playground only....

fbconnect and iphone: logout and log in as different user then execute fql query

Has anyone had problems with the following? I login as user A and get a bunch of data via fql. all is working well. then without closing the app, i logout, and login as user B. The iphone confirms that I am user B and not A. However, once the fql query is executed for user B, it just "hangs"...e.g. -(void)request:(FBRequest*)request didL...

could not find class exception facebook on android app.how???

hi all, i am doing facebook app in my project. i followed this step the sample app in this link. http://code.google.com/p/fbconnect-android/downloads/list now i got this exception in my Logcat. 02-20 22:02:29.020: INFO/ActivityManager(58): Starting activity: Intent { cmp=com.example.brown/.Brown_FaceBook } 02-20 22:02:29.409: ERROR/...

Facebook Connect iPhone StreamDialog delegate dialogDidSucceed

Hey. I use FBStreamDialog to let users publish on their news feed. [fbStreamDialog show]; makes the dialog view popup, the user can press cancel or submit that message. Now...my problem is that both buttons close the dialog view and call the delegate method dialogDidSucceed. How do I find out which button was pressed? Its very i...

FBConnect on iPhone. question about the profile image

Hi, Im developoing an app for the iPhone where users can chat using their facebook account info. in this case: the facebook username & profile image. my question is How can I share the users profile picture in the chat box so that people can see each others avatars? the pictures must be online somewhere? how to get to that url? I sho...

facebook connect on iPhone - making calls is giving error 102 "Session key invalid or no longer valid", yet the stream dialogs still work

Hi there, Anyone see this? I've a situation whereby sometimes, [session resume] returns YES. I make a FBRequest.call, and the error delegate gets called. The error has 102 "Session key invalid or no longer valid". However, if within the same session I call up any FBDialogs (e.gr. to publish to a stream), these all work fine. I don't s...

FBConnect on iphone

Hi, I've integrated one of my iphone app with facebook. And i'm facing a small issue in canceling an ongoing request. I'm using this function [[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:@"facebook.friends.get" params:params] to raise a request and - (void)request:(FBRequest*)request didLoad:(id)result to get the friends list. This functi...

FBConnect logout button

I am using the FBConnect lib to allow users to post data to their facebook pages. I was successfully able to establish a session and allow a user to post to their wall. My question is this: There is a facebook 'logout' button that is suspended in the top left corner of my view after I've logged into facebook. How do I disable or move ...

Creating notes on facebook through FBConnect in iPhone application

Hi All, I have tried FBConnect for iPhone and am able to create/manage sessions and upload pictures successfully. What I can't sort out is, how to create and edit notes. The Facebook documentation says that notes.create query takes three arguments:title, content and uid. It seems I am unable to form the right request for the required ...

iPhone SDK / Facebook Connect: Using a custom login dialog

Exactly what the title says. Is it possible to use Facebook Connect (or any other means of FB integration) in a native iPhone app without resorting to the built in login dialog (which looks awful)? Something where I could create my own custom login screen asking for the facebook login username and password and then using the fbconnect na...

Integrating FB connect with Foursquare into an IPhone App

Hello. Does anyone know, whether/how it is possible to link your FB account to your Foursquare account within an own IPhone App? This is the functionality implemented by a lot of sites for their Web services. ...

Creating photo album on facebook using fbconnect

hi all, is it possible to create a photo album on facebook using fbconnect Thanks ...

FBConnect for iPhone: sessionDidNotLogin, sessionDidLogout, session didLogin not called the second time I load a view.

My problem is very similar to this question, however I am posting a new one, as the answer to the aforementioned does not seem to solve my problem. I have a multiview application - the first view is where the user logs in to Facebook, and the second where he picks an image and uploads it there. The first time the app runs, everything wo...