
how to display the fb:dialog button in button click event in fbml mode

Hi All, I am developing the facebook application in fbml mode. For displaying dialog boxes i am using javascript in fb:iframe mode. Instead of fb:iframe i want to user fbml dialogs in fbml mode. How can i display the dialog buttons when i click on button. Please help me regarding this. Thanks in advance, Ibrahim Khan. ...

End line "\n" in FBJS Dialog

Hi, I'm trying to show a FBJS Dialog with a multiline message. message += "Please enter the name of the Post.\n" message += "Please enter content.\n" message += "Content must have at least 10 characters."; new Dialog().showMessage("Error", message); But that piece of code shows the message in the same line. Does anybody knows how t...

how to use Facebook.showPermissionDialog(‘publish_stream,read_stream’) in asp.net application for the facebook pages

Hi All, I am using Facebook.showPermissionDialog("publish_stream,read_stream"). It is displaying dialog in pageload. In facebook wikipage they are showing ex: Facebook.showPermissionDialog('publish_stream,read_stream', ondone, enableProfileSelector, [1234,2345]); Can any one explain me here : what is - ondone, enableProfileSelector, [1...

How to load ajax contents into a div on page load using FBML and FBJS?

I'm developing my first Facebook application in ASP.NET 2.0 and doing a simplest thing, i.e. to show a navigation on top with four hyperlinks where each link targets to another .aspx page. Please if someone can help me doing this using FBML in ASP.NET 2.0. Other wise coming to my question, where i'm struck after trying above thing at my...

API calls using FBJS within FBML page.

Hi, I know that it is possible using an Iframe app, but haven't found any satisfactory solution for FBML pages. Does anyone know if it is possible? ...

Facebook post to wall using FBJS or PHP

Hi guys, I am trying to post a message to a users facebook wall using FBJS or the PHP SDK, the problem I have is that I authenticate the user on the index.php page, but a flash program is calling my post_to_wall.php script which should update the users wall, but this is not working, here is the code, require "facebook-php-sdk/src/facebo...

Remove Facebook Post with Connect

Hello all, I'm looking to be able to remove a post with Connect.js. This is what I've tried so far: FB.ui({ method: 'stream.remove', post_id: post_id }, function(response) { console.log(response); }); I get a '"stream.remove" is an unknown method.' which is correct because when you look in the ui_methods.js file for Connect.js onl...

Facebook Page Static FBML Slideshow

Hi folks, I am trying to create a really simple image slider for a facebook business page, and was wondering if anyone knows of any code snippets to help me accomplish the job? I only need to be able to display a few images and allow the user to slide between them. Any ideas? Thanks so much. Elliott ...

Simple FBJS Ajax Call and Response Help

I'm having trouble getting a very simple FBJS ajax call to work on a facebook application tab. For the purposes of this example, all I want to do is click on a link and load an image into an empty div. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function do_ajax() { var ajax = new Ajax(); ajax.ondone = function(data) { documen...

making ajax call from static FBML page

I have one FBML static page added as a tag in my facebook page. It is basically a newsletter sign up. I want the page to submit via Ajax to an external website, get the response and show the response message in the facebook tab. IS it possible in this scenario using FBJS. Here is my newsletter html which is used to draw the tab. <di...

How to use FBJS to popup a new browser window

My applicaiton is FBML. not FB connect. so, I can't use normal JS to popup new browser window. Is there a way to do it using FBJS? ...

Problem with FBJS

<style type="text/css"> .hidden { display: none; } .show { display: block; } </style> <div class="hidden" id="day">day</div> <div class="hidden" id="night">night</div> <script> <!-- day=document.getElementById("day"); night=document.getElementById("night"); var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() < 8 || date.getHours() >...

Looking for FB.XFBML.parse callback function?

Hi, is there a callback function (e.g. onComplete) for this? I would like to display a loader. FB.XFBML.parse() ...

Facebook extended permissions stream_publish is not working anymore?

I know I might not get any help here, but I've been on this all day and starting to loose my mind. Here's the thing: no matter the method I choose I can't ask the user for the extended permission publish_stream from my Facebook-connected website since last thursday (it was working perfectly fine before and I made 0 changes to the code s...

javascript equivalent of html_entity_decode that doesn't rely on innerHTML?

I'm looking for a javascript version of PHP's html_entity_decode. I found this: function html_entity_decode(str){ var tarea=document.createElement('textarea'); tarea.innerHTML = str; return tarea.value; tarea.parentNode.removeChild(tarea); } However, I can't use this because I need to write this code for an FBML/FBJS Facebook canva...

capturing the element in javascript

i would like to display the error message in the input element itself instead of showing an error message separately. how would i capture the element in which the message needs to be displayed? this the code: function checkForm(form) { if (yname.getValue() == "" || yname.getValue() == "Your Name" || name.getValue() == "" || ...

How to integrate Google map on Facebook FBML Application?

As i didn't get answer for my previous question ... so as alternative to it ... is it possible to integrate googlemap on FBML application without using iframe ?? as i want to maintain map selection while loading or removing pins... that can only be possible if i do changes with FBJS only... ...

Problem retrieving data from json output.

Hi, I am a noob when it comes to json. The more I use it, I am starting to like it. I have a output that looks like this [ { "product": { "id": "6", "category": "Books", "created": "2010-04-13 15:15:18", }, "availability": [ { "country": "United...

Problem using json to loop through data to extract values.

Hi, I have a json output of list of products(menu) and their prices. I have a application tab on my facebook fan page. {"menu": { "id": "file", "name": "productname", "popup": { "price": [ {"value": "$4"}, ] } }} The product list or menu is long. I want to use fbjs to loop through it and extract productname a...

Alternate for isNaN() javascript function in Facebook?

I was using isNaN function in a Facebook application, but it was not working. the code that i was using <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function postValid(form) { var values=document.getElementById("phone").getValue(); if(isNaN(values)) { var myDialog = new Dialog(Dialog.DIALOG_POP); myDialog.showMessage('Almost Done!',...