
When to do nothing, logout or reboot in response to a system update.

I've noticed that when I update my programming tools (packages) on Fedora using PackageKit, I will occasionally be told that I need to logout or reboot. Yet when using Yum (preferred), no such advice is present (to the best of my awareness). My rule of thumb is that if I see a tool or plugin (Eclipse) has an update, I will restart the ...

Run web testing framework watir on firefox / linux

Hello, I'm developing a website on fedora linux. I want to run test. So I choose watir & ruby development to test. So I wan to install watir on my system but I have errors : I ran this script cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/ruby.repo [ruby] name=ruby for Fedora \$releasever - \$basearch - Base baseurl=http://mirror.nl.ergo-project.org/re...

How to access a data structure from a currently running Python process on Linux?

Hi, I have a long-running Python process that is generating more data than I planned for. My results are stored in a list that will be serialized (pickled) and written to disk when the program completes -- if it gets that far. But at this rate, it's more likely that the list will exhaust all 1+ GB free RAM and the process will crash, lo...

APE Install Missing File

Hi, After installing from the RPM and then trying the Binary versions of APE (AJAX Push Engine) I am getting this error (on both versions) when I try to run the APE server: [Module] Failed to load ../modules/libmod_spidermonkey.so [Invalid library] (libmysqlclient_r.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) I ...

VPN (L2TP/UDP) using xp in Virtualbox on Fedora 13

Hi guys, I am trying to connect to a clients VPN which is using L2TP and UDP. I would like to be able to keep my Fedora 13 development enviorment and just setup windows XP in virtualbox and pass the connection through. Is this feasible? Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks, Greg ...

Crypto++ linker error using ANT

I am trying to reverse engineer a previous employee's build process for some custom software he wrote for us. I've seen to get everything to compile okay, but I get an error in the linking process that points to a problem with crypto++. Any clues? compile.util: compile: [echo] Compiling: util [cc] Starting dependency analys...

Will learning to use Fedora also teach me my way around Redhat (CentOS)?

I want to dive into the open source world and start using a Linux distro while learning to program. I've looked over the options and it pretty much boils down to Fedora or CentOS. The reasoning behind it is I'm hoping to kill two birds with one stone... Redhat seems to be "the choice" for servers, so I figure as I learn to program, I ca...

Fedora Equivalent of prstat /truss

Is there any command in Fedora core (10) which displays the system call being executed ? Scouring the internet only reveals top and likes... ...

Fedora Server Allow download link to PDF files

Hi, I have a website hosted on Fedora and I need my users to beable to download PDF files, is there any mod_rewrtie I can use to only allow PDF's to be downloaded, at the moment it just goes to 404 page. Cheers J ...

Creating a local Fedora repository with *Anonymous* rsync

I am trying to setup a local Fedora repository in a local LAN network. Unfortunately I cannot run rsync in daemon mode because I'm behind a firewall on which I have no control. Could anyone guide me on how to setup rsync using shell? I tried the mirrors in http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist , I get prompted for passwords. ...

Not able to install latest mercurial release on fedora

I am trying to install latest mercurial on fedora by doing sudo yum install mercurial . But doing so I am getting mercurial 1.1 that is not latest release .Current mercurial release is 1.6+ . Any help is highly appreciated ...

Failing an RPM install programatically in a spec step

I'm making an RPM. This particular RPM has requirements that can't be expressed as RPM prerequisites, lets call them a particular filesystem/disk configuration. Currently the failure happens after install, at runtime, when the requirements aren't met. I can check for the required prerequisites in the %install, section of my script. How...