
Calculating Frequency response from a set of input and a set of output obtained from a test

Hai, here is the scenario, i have a set of input values say 2000, and the corresponding out put values, the sampling rate was 2000 samples/sec, and a sinusoidal wave of 50hz was used, so how do I calculate the frequency response from this varaiables, what i did in matlab was, i called all the input values and t...

Are there any open source libraries for performing FFTs on the iPhone?

I would like to compare to WAV audio files using an FFT. What open source libraries and / or sample code exist for performing such an operation? ...

what values should i calculate from FFT of two audio file and compare it to show them they are equal ?

I want to compare two audio files(voice recording) and find whether they are identical or not (to some extent).I have come up with FFT(OouraFFT).I have integrated code and gave my audio file as input and "calculateWelchPeriodogramWithNewSignalSegment" is called.There is a term spectrum data used in "calculateWelchPeriodogramWithNewSig...

How to check the FFT results in iphone?

I have done FFT of a audio file using OouraFFTl.How to check whether the Sampled output is right or wrong.Whats the better and easy way to check it.This is my code. MyAudioFile *audioFile = [[MyAudioFile alloc]init]; OSStatus result = [audioFile open:var ofType:@"wav"]; int numFrequencies=16384; int kNumFFTWindows=10; OouraFFT *myFFT ...

basic FFT normalization questions

Hi Experts, I'm using Matlab to take FFTs of signals, and I'm getting stuck on the normalization. Specifically, how to normalize the spectrum into units of dBm. I know that 0.316228 is the correct normalization factor, but my questions are related to how to normalize the bins correctly. I created the following program to raise my ques...